原创精品公开课 主谓一致 图文 最终版.ppt

原创精品公开课 主谓一致 图文 最终版.ppt

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Agreement Our class ____ made up of 65 students. is Two thirds ____ girls, and the rest ____ boys. are are But every boy and every girl ____ his or her personality. has 主谓一致 谓语动词在 和 上要和主语一致。 语法一致 意义一致 就近一致 主谓一致 人称 数 I. 谓语动词只有单数的情况 II. 谓语动词只有复数的情况 III. 谓语动词的单复数视情况而定 IV. 就近一致 1. 单数名词或代词,主语从句非谓语; His father working on the farm. To study English well not easy. What he said very important for us all. Reading in the sun bad for your eyes. is is is is I. 谓语只有单数的情况 A writer and artist _____come. A writer and an artist _____come. has 2. 主语虽有and连,and后面没有冠, 仅指一人或一事,谓语仍然是单三; have The singer and dancer _____ on the stage. is 3.Every,each以及no,neither, either和复合不定代,谓语作单数看待; Each of us _____ (have) a new book. Every boy and every girl _____ going to college. Each boy and each girl _______ (want) to serve the people in the future. is wants has every each no many a +名词单数+and+ every each no many a 谓语用单数 +名词单数 4. 时间,价值度量衡,谓语常作单数看; Eight hours of sleep __ enough. A hundred miles ___a long distance. Ten pounds ____ missing from my pocket. Twenty years ___ passed since he left his hometown. is is was has 5. News,means,works,貌似复数实则单; The news ______very exciting. The glass works ____ set up in 1970. was was 6.还有s结尾学科词,国,书,剧名兼格言; The Arabian nights ____ (be) an interesting story. is politics physics mathematics news 8. many a,more than a, 一个半,谓语单数不多看。 Many a ship ____ (have) been damaged in the storm. More than one student_____ seen the film. One and a half bananas ____ left on the table. has has is 1.单数名词或代词,主语从句非谓语; 2.主语虽有and连,and后面没有冠, 仅指一人或一事,谓语仍然是单三; 3. Every,each以及no,neither, either和复合不定代,谓语作单数看待; 4. 时间,价值度量衡,谓语常作单数看; 5. News,means,works,貌似复数实则单; 6. 还有s结尾学科词,国,书,剧名兼格言; 7. many a,more than a, 一个半,谓语单数不多看。 总结: (1) The man with his daughters and sons is watching TV. (2) The girls as well as the teacher are dancing. 注意: 总结: A,传说中的“就前原则”。 + B A + with(together with); In addition to; ra



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