铁道车辆滚动轴承检修工艺 电气化铁道技术专业毕业论文.pdf

铁道车辆滚动轴承检修工艺 电气化铁道技术专业毕业论文.pdf

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摘要 随着我国的铁路运输事业的发展,铁路车辆已实现了滚动轴承化。滚动轴承的运用, 对提高我国的铁路车辆的运行速度,减少其维护保养工作量,保证行车安全等方面均起 到重要的作用。铁路车辆滚动轴承的工作条件十分恶劣,它不但要承受巨大的轴重和一 定的轴向力,还要承受通过钢轨接头,道岔时的冲击力以及各种自然因素的侵蚀。 本论文通过对铁道车辆滚动轴承故障的探讨及分析,并根据铁道车辆轴承现行规章所 使用的轴承一般检修工艺,来进行车辆所使用的铁路货车无轴箱圆锥滚子353130B型轴 承(以下简称353130B型轴承)一般检修的工艺制定,保证353130B型轴承一般检修工 艺通畅,检修质量可靠,总结铁道车辆一般检修工艺,保障铁路行车安全。 关键词:滚动轴承 故障检修 工艺流程 Content inthis paper With the development of railway transportation inChina,Is made up of railway vehicle has been rolling bearing ismade up of railway vehicle has been rolling bearing.The use of therollingbearing, to improveour countrysrailway vehicle running speed,reduce themaintenanceworkload and soontoensuredrivingsafety playanimportantrole.Railwayvehiclerollingbearingworkingconditionsisvery bad, it not only should bear huge axle load and axial force, but also bear by rail joint, when the switch of impact and erosion of various kinds of natural factors. In this paper, through the discussion and analysis of the railway vehicle rolling bearing fault, and the bearing according to the current regulations of railway vehicle bearing use general maintenance technique,For the railway freight cars use without axle box tapered roller bearing type 353130 b (hereinafter referred to as 353130 b type bearing) general maintenance process,Guarantee 353130Btypebearing generalmaintenanceprocessunobstructed, maintenance quality and reliable, and summarizes the railway vehicle repair technology commonly, to ensure the safety of railway traffic. Keywords: rolling bearing troubleshooting process 目 录 摘 要1 第一章 铁路货车滚动轴承 1 1.1概述1 1.2滚动轴承种类 2 1.3铁道车辆滚动轴承的分类 2 1.4无轴箱滚动轴承的构造 2 1.5无轴箱滚动轴承的工作原理 4 第二章 铁路货车轴承零件的故障与分析 6 2.1轴承零件外观缺陷状态及故障类别 6 2.2轴承零件外观缺陷损伤分析 7 2.3轴承零件对滚动轴承的危害 12 第三章 滚动轴承故障的发现与分析 13 3.1发现滚动轴承故障的意义 13



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