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知识改变命运,word 知识改变命运,word精品文档! 井式加热炉抓取机械手电气 控制系统的设计 作者姓名: 专业名称: 指导教师: 摘要 工业机械手是一种仿人操作、自动控制、可重复编程且能在 四维空间完成各种作业的机电一体化自动生产设备。对稳定和提 高产品质量,提高生产效率,改善劳动条件和产品的快速更新换 代起着十分重要作用,特别适合于多品种、变批量的柔性生产。 本课题主要任务是设计一抓取机械手来完成无人化工厂中 某一阶段性工作。机械手系统采用圆柱坐标方式,由 PLC作为中 央控制单元,控制三路交流伺服驱动器、位置单元模块及其它功 能块,驱动各轴伺服电机准确定位。定位完成后,再执行手部抓 取动作,以完成指定任务。设计了上位机组态,方便人们监视现 场运行情况以及实现故障准确定位,并简单叙述系统参数设置及 调试方法。 本文重点解决的问题一一电气控制系统设计 本课题中主要内容: 机械手方案设计及驱动电机选型; 电气控制系统硬件线路设计; 控制系统程序设计; 上位机组态设计及系统调试; 关键词:机械手交流伺服控制器PLC 组态松下 Abstract In dustrial mach in ery ha nd is a fake pers on operati on, automatic control, programmable and can complete all kinds of operations in four-dimensional space electromechanical integration automatic product ion equipme nt. To stabilize and improve product quality, improve production efficiency, improve labor conditions and the rapid upgrading of products plays a very important role, especially suitable for many varieties, vary ing qua ntities of flexible product ion. The main task is to design a gripping manipulator to complete no chemical plant in a phased work. Manipulator system using a cylindrical coordinate, by PLC as the central control unit, control of three AC servo driver, position unit module and other functional blocks, the axis servo motor positi oning. Positi oning is completed, then the execution of hand grasping movements, to complete the assigned task. Design of PC configuration, convenient for people to monitor the site operation and the realization of accurate fault locati on, and briefly n arrates system parameter sett ing and debugg ing method. This paper focus on solving problems -- electrical control system desig n In this paper the main conten ts: man ipulator desig n and drive the motor select ion; the electrical control system hardware circuit design; the con trol system program desig n; PC con figurati on desig n and system debuggi ng; Key words: manipulator, Panasonic, AC servo controller, PLC, con figurati on 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document 摘要 2 Abstract 3


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