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M8U3 language points (revision outline ) 1. acute ①(事实,严重的) an acute shortage of water ②(疼痛等)剧烈的,强烈的 acute pain 剧痛;acute j ealousy 强烈的嫉妒 ③ (感觉,智力等)敏锐的,灵敏的 have an acute of hearing have acute hearing ④(疾病)急性的 acute alcoholism 急性酒精中毒 ⑤ (声音)高的,尖锐的 2. arrive at/reach/achieve a consensus about/on/over/of sth 取得一致 calculate ①计算calculate the cost of a j ourney ②推测 calculate on/upon rely on count on 指望 be calculated to do sth /for sth ①打算做某事②故意做某事 make a calculation 计算 3. shadow ①阴影,影子②阴暗处 shade 树荫,阴凉处 in the shade of the tree in the shadow 在幽暗处 cast a shadow on his career 给他的事业蒙上了一层阴影 4.commit ①承诺②犯罪,犯错③全心全意,投入 Commit oneself to (doing) sth 承诺,保证做某事 Be committed to (doing) sth ①承诺做某事②致力于做某事③献身做某事 Commit a crime 犯罪 commit murder 犯谋杀罪 commit suicide 自杀 Be committed to sb 忠诚于某人 A real sense of commitment to the j ob 对这一工作有献身精神 Make a commitment 作出保证 5. award sb sth regard sb for sth in regard for 得到回报 she got nothing in regard for her kindness. 6. come into being 形成 human being 人 7. upwards of 在…以上,大于,超过 more than upwards of more than 100 people 超过100人 … and upward … 及以上 women of 20 years and upwards 20及20岁以上 的女性 At this hotel, the charge is from 10,000 yuan upward 这家酒店收费是一万 元起价。 8. be off to 动身去 9. admit ①准许加入,进入②承认③容纳 hold seat The cinema admits about 2000 people. admission ①准许加入,进入权②承认③入场费 He made an admission that he had used drags. 8. commercials on TV are really disgusting. commercials on TV disgust me 9. have a go 试一试 have a go (at doing sth) try doing sth 试着做某事 Have a go at sb 抱怨, (指责)某人 Give sth a go 试做某事 Have a go on sth 用一下某物 At one go 一口气 10. dip his pen in the ink; dip into 浏览 11. be around ①在附近,在周围②流行③存在 12. represent … as 把….描述成 This painting represents a storm. 13. impress … on/upon … 使铭记,使意识到 Mom impressed the importance of honesty


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