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Unit5 Story time 一、教学目标: 1.能在教师和图片的帮助下理解故事内容,并尝试复述故事情节。 2.能通过图片和上下文理解over, busy, naughty, poor, catch, kick等单词的意思。 3.通过学习,培养学生的环保意识。 二、教学重点、难点: 教学重点: 理解故事大意,并能大声朗读课文。 教学难点: 根据拼读规律读出生词,在图片和教师的引导下,复述故事情节。 三、教师准备: 单词卡,图片,多媒体课件,根据文本内容创编的阅读材料。 四、教学过程 Greeting: T: Boys and girls! I’m your new teacher today! My name’s Lily! Are you ready for class? Hello, friends! Let’s say hello to the teachers! So polite! Sit down please! 设计意图: 师生问候, 做好上课的准备。 Warm-up: At first, Let’s enjoy a video! What can you see in the video? What can you see? You can say Chinese! Yes! There is a can! Is this can poor(可怜的) or lucky(幸运的)? Great! It’s poor! It’s a poor can. 设计意图:视频能更直接的激发孩子的学习兴趣,也能很好的引出本课的主题,让学生针对另一个易拉罐的遭遇交流和讨论。 3. Presentation: Now let’s enjoy a story about another can! = 1 \* GB3 ①Watch and choose: What does he want to do? ------ Fly? Swim? Go home? T: Can he go home by himself?(他自己能回家吗?) So he needs(需要) help! 设计意图:以故事情节为主要线索提出问题,保持故事的完整性。 = 2 \* GB3 ②What animals does he meet on the way home?(在他回家的路上他都遇到了哪些动物呢?) Let’s find out and order! Look at these animals, which one is the first? Which one is the second? T: No 1 , he meets… No2, he meets…(黑板展示!) 设计意图:通过小动物出现的先后顺序,在黑板上呈现故事情节。 = 3 \* GB3 ③Well, we know he meets many animals. But who helps him? Let’s go and have a look! Look! Where is the can? Is he happy or sad? (sad)Yes,he can’t go home. Does the bird help the can? Why? Because the bird is busy. = 4 \* GB3 ④ Next. Oh, the bear! Does he help the can?(No) What does he do?(He kicks the can.) Is this bear helpful? He is naughty! = 5 \* GB3 ⑤The naughty bear kicks the can, so the can …(flies) Look!Where is the can now?(引出over 越过某物) It’s over rabbit and monkey.(用学生举例示范over) Do they help the can? Why? (Because they are late for school.) = 6 \* GB3 ⑥Look at this poor can. Where is it now?(in the river/ between two fish…) Yes. He meets two fish! Do they help him?(Yes/No) How do they help him? They give it to Zoom. Yes, they use their tails give it to Zoom! So the


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