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On Monday I’ll go swimming.教学设计 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 掌握will加动词原形表示的一般将来时。 2. 能听懂会说词汇: week holiday ,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, holiday。 3. 听懂会说句型On Monday I’ll go swimming等。 能力目标: 1. 能够在实践练习中熟练地运用本节课的新单词和句型。 2. 能够用英语表达在星期几将要做什么。 情感目标: 1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生养成良好的学习习惯和制定计划的生活习惯。 2. 培养学生的想象力和创造力,培养学生对于未来的期待,并为了自己的梦想而努力。 教学重点: 在日常生活中能熟练运用目标语言谈论自己的计划。 教学难点: 能够在实践练习中熟练地运用本节课的新单词和句型。 教学准备: 1、教师多媒体课件制作。 2、卡片、头饰 教学过程: Step1. Preparation 1. Greetings. T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Li! 2. Lead-in T: At the beginning of the class, let’s say a chant.(课件出示) T: Do you like swimming? I like swimming too. So on Monday I’ll go swimming. 3. New words T:Do you like songs? Let’s listen to a song. (播放Days of a week儿歌) T: What’s it about? It’s about week. Do you want to know the origin of the week?(出示上帝的照片,讲解上帝创造万物的时间,从而引出周日到周六。) Play a game (What’s this?) 使用白板中的聚光灯让学生猜单词,在此环节中先聚光单词的前半部分,以增加神秘感,提高学习兴趣。 Step2. Presentation. 1. Free talk T: From Monday to Sunday , which day do you like best? S: ...... T:I like Saturday and Sunday. Because on Saturday and Sunday I can do lots of things. This is my weekend plan. (出示课件) 引出On+星期I’ll do句型。(板书该句型) What will you do on Saturday and Sunday? (引导学生运用On+星期I’ll do句型说出自己的周末计划。) 2. New lesson T:Your weekend plan is so colorful. Next week is a holiday for Shanshan. (领读holiday) Let’s see Shanshan’s plan.. ? Watch the video and answer my questions: What are they talking about ? What will Shanshan do on Wednesday? 【设计意图】本环节让学生初步感知课文内容,带着任务更能让学生有目的地感知课文内容。 ? Watch the video again and imitate Shanshan and then play Shanshan.(Pay attention to the pronunciation .) 【设计意图】学生模仿姗姗的语气有助于提高学生口语表达能力。让学生通过角色扮演来帮助学生理解对话大意。呈现重点知识。 Step3. Practice. 1.Do a survey. Two pupils in a group and ask their partners “What will you do on.....?” 2 Use the phrases to make a plan of your groups.(go swimming, play with my friends,go to the park,等短语)。(小组合作练习本节课I’ll句型以及短语。) 【设计意图】这一环节能充分发挥学生的主体作用,激活学生思维,


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