广州版八年级下册英语课文与翻译 .pdf

广州版八年级下册英语课文与翻译 .pdf

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Unit 1 Helping those in need Voluntary work Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. They wrote the following reports. I did some voluntary work in a children ’ there all suffer from serious illnesses. we organized a painting competition for them. I meet a girl called Cindy .She wanted to paint a picture of the park near her home. I went there and took some photos of it. Cindy used them for her painting. Betty There are many children without parents .I met some of these children with my mother .we taught them to tell stories .This helps them express their feelings. One child said , ” Myfriends don ’t understand my pain. We spend time with a girl called Vivien. Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely. She needs friendship. My mother and I will continue to visit Vivien. Mark I want to help disabled children. They have difficulty walking or moving. I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace. I met a boy called Tim. He hurt his legs in an accident ,but he has lots of courage. We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits . I will continue to do voluntary work in the future. Annie 译文: 三名青少年在学校放假期间主动做一些志愿工作。他们写了以下报告。 我在一家儿童医院做了一些义工。那里的孩子都患有严重的疾病。我们为他们组 织了一次绘画比赛。 我遇到了一个叫辛蒂的女孩,她想画一幅她家附近的公园的照片。我去那里拍了 一些照片。辛蒂用它们来画画。贝蒂 有很多孩子没有父母。我和妈妈认识了一些这样的孩子。我们教他们讲故事。这 帮助他们表达他们的感受。一个孩子说: “我的朋友不理解我的痛苦。 我们和一个叫费雯的女孩共度时光。她的父母死于车祸,她很不开心,很孤独。 她需要友谊。我母亲和我将继续拜访费雯。作记号 我想帮助残疾儿童。他们行走或行走有困难。我教他们唱歌,因为音乐能给他们 带来欢乐和和平。 我遇到了一个叫蒂姆的男孩。他在一次事故中弄伤了双腿,但他有很大的勇气。 我们需要帮助像蒂姆这样的孩子,振作起来。今后我会继续做义工。安妮 1 Unit2 Body language Debbie and Simon are students. They both have part-time jobs at a travel company. A Well-dressed lady enter


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