英文简历范文带翻译 [留学英文简历范文] .docVIP

英文简历范文带翻译 [留学英文简历范文] .doc

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英文简历范文带翻译 [留学英文简历范文]   国际交换生项目是我国最早的出国留学途径,该项目是由国内外主管教育的部门开展的国际教育交流项目。下面是小编给大家整理的留学英文简历范文,供大家参阅!   留学英文简历范文篇1   curriculum vitae   name: dahong xu (rainy)   address: 601-3-8 gudang district, hangzhou, zhejiang, china tel (mobile):01234567890   e-mail:wdjlw@wdjlw.cn   education   guildford college of f. and h.e. may--june 2007 short course in culinary arts and english   stoke park   guildford   surry, england   hangzhou zhongce vocational school sep.2005jun.2006 culinary arts   hangzhou fengtan middle school sep.2002jun.2005 general school studies   exams taken   hangzhou zhongce vocational school end of semesters exams 2005--2006   (english, chinese, math, operationstheory)   hangzhou fengtan middle school final exam 2005   (english, chinese, math, science)   end of semesters exams 2002--2005   (english, chinese, math, science)   work experience   practical experience during studies   personal interests and hobbies:   in the free time i enjoy reading novels if it is interesting i will keep on reading. and i like playing with animals especially dogs and cats. also i enjoy watching films may be all the kinds of the   films except war and action, and listening to the international music, but my favorite thing is learning languages.   references:   kevin hooper   tutor   guildford college   guildford   surry, england   gu1 1ez   留学英文简历范文篇2   Nick Catello,   604 Harmony Lane,   Brooksville, FL 18765,   (925) 555-1234   Objective:   Looking for a position of youth care worker in any non-profit sector to provide safety and security to the facility and take reasonable care so that others arent harmed. Personal Summary:



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