中高级导游业务 中高级导游业务 11-Incidents while Escorting Tour Group (I)带团事故(1).ppt

中高级导游业务 中高级导游业务 11-Incidents while Escorting Tour Group (I)带团事故(1).ppt

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Role-play What would you do as the guide? 摄制于1980年,其主要剧情为:文革后期,侨居美国的周筠回国,在庐山游览时,与在山上潜心攻读的耿桦相遇,彼此产生爱慕之情。耿桦因父亲遭“四人帮”审查而陪母亲来庐山养病。因和周筠的频繁接触,受到传讯。几年后,周筠再次来庐山旧地重游,对耿桦倍加怀念。已是清华大学研究生的耿桦,来庐山听学术报告,与周筠重逢,两人欣喜若狂,约定结婚。耿桦征求父亲耿烽的意见,耿烽认出周筠的父亲是昔日黄埔军校同学,经过一番波折,怀着对祖国统一的渴望,两位老相识在庐山相会,变冤家为亲家,有情人终成眷属。 《庐山恋2010》是《庐山恋》的延续。该片讲述了30年后,周的女儿耿菲尔从海外学成归来,片中两位男主角都对耿菲产生好感,由此产生了错综复杂的恋爱故事。 庐山“春如梦、夏如滴、秋如醉、冬如玉”,更构成一幅充满魅力的立体天然山水画。北宋苏东坡曾发出“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”的感慨。 Immortal cave 吊脚楼 Handicraft Brocade Liu Sanjie Quickies 1. False; 2. True; 3. False The end! Thank you! Guangdong AIB Vocational Technology College (bilingual course) Unit 11 Incidents while Escorting Tour Group (I) 带团事故(1) 8tasks Do the role-play in page 91 One group Read A PK One group Read B of mount Lushan One group Read A PK One group Read B of poyang lake Ask 5 questions about the passage of mount Lushan and poyang lake answer 5 questions of mount Lushan and poyang lake Do the role-play of incident while escorting tour group (找一个突发事故,并用英文扮演解决的过程,即完成情景对话) Part I Tips for Tour Guides Listening Direction: Listen to the passages carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing information you have heard from the tapes. (A) local; (B) place; (C) double; (D) sponsor; (E) explanation; (F) inconvenience Readings Direction: Read the following passage aloud and fill in the blanks with words or phrases you think appropriate. (A) picked; (B) leader; (C) information; (D) tourists; (E) hand; (F) arrangements; (G) mistake Part II Situational Dialogues Dialogue 1 Mount Lushan 飞 流 直 下 三 千 尺 疑 是 银 河 落 九 天 History 5 different religions on Lushan over the past 1,600 years. Islam and Christianity were already preached here during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Wulao Feng 1436 meters You can have a view of the distant mountains, trees and lakes. Sandie Spring Dialogue 2 Poyang Lake Poyang Lake Shoe Hill food-begging birds Dagu Hill Part III Ethnic Culture Zhuang Culture 8tasks One grou



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