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1. 七上 1-5 2. Chinese 名词和形容词词性 3. First 序数词用法 副词用法 4. Family 的主谓一致 5. Health 身体健康 对健康有益 保持健康 6. Chicken 可数不可数意思不一致 (exercise fish orange glass ) 7. Remember 记得去做 记得做过 8. Job 与 work 9. Be from=come from 10. 数词+years+old 11. What+be+sb/sth+like ? 12. In front of 与 in the front of 13. How many 与 how much 与 what’s the price of 14. There be 与 have got 与 have 15. 七上 6-10 16. other/the other/others/the others/another 17. Another+名词单数、another+数词+名词复数 18. Each other/any other/ one...the other/some...others 19. Alone 做副词 do sth alone= do sth (all )by oneself 20. Alone 做形容词是表语形容词 21. Alone/lonely 22. Clothes 做主语谓语动词的数 23. Never/hardly ever(seldom)/sometimes/often/usually/always 24. Happen: 某人发生某事 某人碰巧做某事 25. Happen/take place 26. Information/news/message 27. Few/a few/little/a little 28. Finish/nearly finished 29. Would like 30. Welcome to 接名词与副词 31. 表示类属 (1)a/an/the +单数 (2 ) 复数 (3 )the+adj 32. Share 名词与动词 33. What about/how about/ let’s/shall we/ why not/why don’t you/you’d better/would you like to 34. Scarf 复数 35. Be on a trip/take a trip/ go on a trip 36. Wait for sb/wait for sb to do sth 37. Get(be) ready for/ get(be) ready to do 38. 七下 1-6 39. carry/take/bring/fetch 40. Else 与不定代词和疑问词的位置 41. Turn to/ over/on/off/ up /down 42. Take back/take down/take in/ take off/ take on/take up/take over 43. Receive/accept 接受教育 receive an education 44. Mean sth/ mean to do/mean doing/ what do you mean by 45. Try to do/try doing/try one’s best to do/try on 46. Opposite 介词(across from )/形容词 be opposite to/名词 the opposite of 47. cross=go across 48. Across/through 49. Two hundred/ hundreds of 50. Get on well(badly) with 51. Join/join in/take part in/join sb in doing/join in (doing) 52. Not only...but also...


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