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2020-2021年高考英语核心词汇专项突破1:名词(1) 一、单词拼写 (根据语境写出单词的正确形式,共30小题,每空1分,共计30分) 1. Eighty percent of the school children begin to have _________(使用/接近) to the internet at the age of nine. 2. However, having friends who are different from us would have some _________(优势/优点) of its own. 3. He said there is no _________(供替代的选择) for him but to maintain order under such circumstances. 4. Through the above _________(分析), I believe that the positive aspects overweight the negative ones. 5. My final advice is that you should take special care of your _________(外貌/相貌). Though we should not judge a person by his appearance, the first impression is very important. 6. His _________(抱负) was achieved when he received his doctor’s degree from Cambridge University. 7. Teamwork is required in order to achieve these __________(目的). 8. Apart from the cheap __________(食宿), there are many lovely cafes in this coastal city. 9. Salad not only tastes delicious but also arouses people’s ________(食欲) and it is especially popular with those who are on a diet. 10. The old couple held a wonderful party in celebration of their fiftieth wedding ___________(周年纪念). 11. To my way of thinking, you can collect this information from friends, _________(熟人), colleagues, or volunteers for the project. 12.Now that you’re no longer a child, pay attention to your ___________ (行为/举止) in public. 13. She holds the strong ___________ (信念) that she will accomplish her ideal pretty soon. 14. Busy as she is, she manages to make reasonable ___________ (安排) for her daily routines. 15. The cute toys on the desk drew the ___________(注意) of the little girl and she was dying to get them. 16. The boy lost his ___________(平衡) and fell off the bike all of a sudden. As a result, he was black and blue all over. 17. The secretary attended the conference on ___________(代表) of the manager. In other words, the secretary attended the conference in place of the manager. 18. Thank you for your timely ___________ (协助) from the bottom of



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