贸易保护主义 中英文.pdf

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Trade Protectionism 贸易保护主义 1 The fact that trade protection hurts the economy of the country that imposes it is one of the oldest but still most startling insights economics has to offer. The idea dates back to the origin of economic science itself. Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, which gave birth to economics, already contained the argument for free trade: by specializing in production instead of producing everything, each nation would profit from free trade. In international economics it is the direct counterpart to the proposition that people within a economy will all be better off if all people specialize at what they do best instead of trying to sell sufficient. 1.贸易保护伤害贸易伙伴国的经济,这一经济学上的见解,虽然老套但仍令人吃惊。它的来 历可以追溯到经济学的起源。当亚当•斯密写出《国富论》,催生经济学,其中已经包含了 自由贸易的观点:通过生产专门化而不是生产一切,每个国家都将从自由贸易中获利。在国际 经济学中,与其相对应的命题是:在一个经济体系内,如果所有人都专注于做自己最擅长的, 而不是去卖足够多的东西,那么每个人都将更好。 2 It is important to distinguish between the case for free trade for oneself and the case for trade for all. The former is an argument for free trade to improve one nation’s own welfare (the so-called “nation-efficiency” argument). The latter is an argument for free trade to improve every trading country’s welfare (the so-called “cosmopolitan-efficiency” argument). Underlying both cases is the assumption that prices are determined by free markets. But government may distort market prices by, for example, subsidizing production, as European governments have done in aerospace, electronics, and steel in recent years, and as all industrial countries do in agriculture. Or governments may protect intellectual property inadequately, causing underproduction of new knowledge. In such cases production and trade, guided by distorted prices, will not be efficient. 2.区分国内自由贸易和对所有国家开放的自由贸易是很重要的。前者是意在增加本国财富的 条例(称为 “国家效益”条例),后者是意在增加每一个贸易参与国财富的条例(称为“国 际效益”条例)


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