AUnit词组 Welme t the unit短语: 爬山 limb the hill 需要锻炼 .doc

AUnit词组 Welme t the unit短语: 爬山 limb the hill 需要锻炼 .doc

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8AUnit3词组 Welcome to the unit短语: 爬山 climb the hill 需要锻炼 need to exercise 保持健康 keep healthy / fit 玩得高兴 enjoy oneself = have a great/wonderful time …的计划 the plan(s) for…. 乘船旅行 take a boat trip to… 经过某地 go past sp. (澳大利亚悉尼)歌剧院 the Opera House / Sydney Opera House (法国)埃菲尔铁塔 the Eiffel Towel (美国)白宫 the White House (澳大利亚)港湾大桥 the Harbour Bridge (法国)塞纳河 the River Seine (美国)金门大桥 the Golden Gate Bridge (埃及)金字塔 the pyramids 香山 the Fragrant Hills 红枫叶 red maple leaves 故宫 the Palace Museum 颐和园 the Summer Palace 天坛 the Temple of Heaven 人民英雄纪念碑 the Monument to the People’s Heroes 老舍茶馆 Laoshe Tea House 北京游乐园 Beijing Amusement Park 咖啡馆 the coffee shop 的顶部 the top of … 的总统 the President of … 有花园的楼 a building with a garden 句型: Come on. Let’s enjoy ourselves! 来吧!让我们痛痛快快地玩吧! You need to exercise and keep fit. 你需要运动来保持健康。 I want to exercise but not keep fit. 我想运动,但不是为了保持健康。 Read the back of the postcards and match them with the correct pictures. 阅读明信片的背面,将它们与正确的图片匹配。 Take care! 小心 Yesterday, I took a boat trip under the famous Harbour Bridge and went past the Opera House. It’s a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees. 它是一座有一个花园和许多树的漂亮房子。 Reading --Vocabulary短语: …之行 the trip to… 邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth. 加入学校旅行 join in the school trip 在(…)开始 at the beginning(of…) 在校门口 at the school gate 上长途汽车 get on the coach 城市的道路上交通拥挤 a lot of traffic on the city roads 在高速公路上 on the highway 在大部分的旅程感到恶心 feel sick for most of the trip 到达公园 arrive at the park 变得兴奋 become excited 由制成 be made of / from sth. 迅速下车 get off quickly 再也不 not …any more = no


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