8.2 Pronunciation Features of Indian English外国文学名著导读.pdf

8.2 Pronunciation Features of Indian English外国文学名著导读.pdf

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Chapter Eight 8.2 Pronunciation Features of Indian English Consonants (辅音) • Exercise 1: right, more, park retroflex trilled “r” • Feature 1: Indian English is rhotic; the letter r is pronounced wherever it occurs. • Explanation: Influence of Indian languages. Consonants (辅音) • Exercise 2: tutor, today • Feature 2: /t/ and /d/ are retroflex sounds. • Explanation: Influence of Indian languages. Consonants (辅音) • Exercise 3: three of those tree of dose • Feature 3: /θ/ and /ð/ are pronounced as /t/ and /d/, respectively. • Key point: Different varieties of English pronounce /θ/ and /ð/ in different ways. Consonants (辅音) • Exercise 4: food, vine p(f)ood, wine • Feature 4: [f][p], [v][w] Vowels (元音) Monophthongs: • /i:/ : bead, /ɪ/: bit, /e/ : bed, /æ/ : bat, /e :/ : game • /ə/: balloon, bird, but • /u :/ : tool, /u/ : pull, /ɔ/: shot, /a :/ : charge /o:/ : no Vowels (元音) • Diphthongs: /aɪ/ : five; /ɔɪ/ : boy; /au/ : cow; /ɪə/ : here; /eə/ : hair; /uə/ : poor Summary • Can you summarize the key feature of vowels in Indian English? • Most Indians only utter 17 English vowels, including 11 pure vowels and 6 diphthongs. 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076考证资料


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