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Treatment Progressive Curative resection Local erosion damage, easy to relapse after resection, possible malignant transformation. The tumor is large enough and affected maxillary sinus or ethmoid sinus, nasal lateral incision or medialmaxillectomy plus ethmoid sinus surgery can be used. Limited nasalinverted papilloma, nasal?endoscopic?excision? Hemangioma Hemangioma is one of common benign tumor of nasal cavity, but occurs in the sinus is rare. The disease mostly in young adults. Nasal hemangioma generally divided into two categories, capillary tumor and cavernous hemangioma?. The former happens in the front of the nasal septum and the latter can be found in inferior turbinate and maxillary sinus. Nasal symptoms:Progressive congestion and?repeated?epistaxis. Compression symptoms :Oppression and destruction bone ,assault adjacent organs , ?facial deformity , displacement of eyeball, diplopia, headache. Systemic symptoms :anemia , hemorrhagic shock Clinical manifestation Hemangioma Case Report 病例 女性,56岁。因左侧鼻塞3个月,伴少量出血1周入院。查体见左侧鼻腔中鼻道上方淡红色表面光滑质软的新生物,人院第3天全麻下行鼻腔肿物低温等离子射频切除术,术中用肾上腺素棉片收缩鼻腔后见肿瘤基底位于鼻中隔左侧中上部(图1),低温等离子射频刀沿基底周围进行切割达鼻中隔软骨层,将肿物完整切除(图2),切除之肿物大小为2.2 cm×1.5 cm×1.5 cm,术后鼻腔仅有少许纤维素样渗出物,无感染及并发症,术区黏膜于术后4周完全愈合,随访1年无复发(图3)。病理诊断为毛细血管瘤。 余翠萍,等. 鼻内镜下低温等离子射频治疗鼻腔血管瘤. 中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2010,45(3),197-199 Diagnosis and Treatment Clinical Finding: Small,soft, bright red or dark purple, touches prone to bleeding, surface erosion and necrosis. Diagnosis :On the basis of clinical signs, imaging examination and pathological examination can be confirmed. Treatment :Surgical resection Osteoma Osteoma is one of the most common benign tumor in sinus. Mostly occur in young adults. Mainly occur in the frontal sinus (70%), followed by ethmoid Sinus (25%) , maxillary sinus and sphenoid sinus are rare. Etiology Periosteal embryonic tissue residues. Abnormal development. Traumatism. Inflammation. Infection. ?Image?manifestations Malignant tumor in nasal cavi


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