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短文填空 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。) (1) I remember, when I was about nine years old, I didnt usually obey my father. It was in January and there was going to be a carnival (狂欢节) party at my school. My classmates’ mothers cooked special carnival cakes, and 1__________ (prepare) some drinks for their children because he party would start the next day. And because we could wear beautiful or funny clothes, 2______________ /?evriw?n/ was very excited. Of all the beautiful and funny clothes, I 3______________ ( choose) a clown (小丑) dress. My father was always 4____________ /?s??ri?s/, so I decided to go home and talk with him. But he didnt agree and told, 5____________ you go to the carnival party in the dress, Ill be angry. My father never liked 6____________ (party) like this. But my mother helped me. We 7___________ (make) a plan together: When my father went to work. I 8____________ on my clown dress and went to the party without telling him. In the evening, my father asked what I did 9___________ the daytime when we were having dinner. I felt very afraid and told him everything. But I was 10_______________ /s??pra?z/ to see my father smiling. Oh, what a strict but kind father! ( 2 ) Li Haifeng is a four-year-old boy. He was born in a village of Hubei. He lost his 1_________. in an accident. The poor boy has a dream. He always dreams of having wings (翅膀) and__________(fly). Haifeng is just a young boy, but he has a strong will and positive attitude (态度). He even danced to the 3_____________ /?p?pj?l?/ song Little Apple” on a hospital bed. After he lost his legs, he still 4____________ (believe) he had wings to fly. He got a chance to be a little pilot. He was excited because his 5___________ came true (实现). Li Haifeng and his 6______________ /?pe?r?nt/ were invited to Tianhe Airport in Wuhan. Li Haifeng was invited to have a special tour in a plane. With the help of pilots, Li Haifeng sat in the cockpit (驾驶舱) and flew in th


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