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the Beginning of Winter Nov . 7 or 8 it tells us the winter will come up soon, peasants and farmers should cover up the crops and grains after the harvest, the cold and substantial low temperature may happen. Before and after the beginning of winter, precipitation in most parts of China are significantly reduced. in Northeast China the earth is frozen, forestry crops enter into winter. in Jianghuai regions, Sanqiu is over soon , you need to plant late crop like winter wheat, and quickly transplant rape, while in South China its the best time to seed wheat. In addition, after the beginning of winter the air is generally becoming dry, soil water content is less , China begin to focus on the forest fire work at this time. * Lesser Snow Nov . 22 or 23 the temperature will fall more than before, in North China the temperature will gradually drop below 0 ℃, and then begin to snow,a little cold in the daytime . the snowfall will become from small to large . * Greater Snow Dec . 6 , 7 or 8 it comes after Lesser Snow ,The weather in the northern regions will be affected by cold air,so the snow often appears larger, causing snow-acccumulation on the ground.u will feel a little cold . * the Beginning of Winter Dec . 22 , 23 or 24 This solar term is relatively a significant traditional festive in china , it marks the informly coming of winter , the weather will continue to decrease in a short time , in North China ,people usually eating dumplings on that day . * Lesser Cold Jan . 5 , 6 or 7 It comes after the Beginning of Winter ,it marks the beginning of the coldest days of the year. According to Chinas meteorological data, at the point of Osamu the temperature is the lowest of the year , only the temperature of Big Chill of sm years is below Osamu . * Greater


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