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导入 我某进出口公司拟向中东某国家出口一批价值五十万美元的钢板, 成交条件为CIF。买方要求我公司按发票金额的150%投保一切险。 ■分析思考 1、进出口贸易中常用的海洋运输保险险别有哪些?如何根据货物的 性质和运输距离的远近及地理情况等选择合适的险别?在本案 中,根据货物的性质和特点应选择何种保险险别? 2、在本案中,我方能否按照买方要求投保一切险以及按发票金额的 150%投保一切险?应该如何处理及答复对方? ■启示 在国际贸易中,货物要经过长途运输,会因遇到各种风险而遭受损 失,通过办理保险,可在货物发生承包范围内的损失时,从保险公司得 到经济补偿。因此,从事国际贸易的相关商务人员,必须具备完备的保 险知识以及处理相关保险事宜的能力,以防止损失及纠纷的发生。 Brief Introduction Different items have different natures and should be covered against different risks. Kinds of risks 1、Risks of PICC(中国保险条款) Basic Risks:F. P. A.(平安险)——原木、煤炭等 W. P. A. (水渍险)——地板砖、三合板等 A. R. (一切险)——服装、电器、鞋类、茶叶等。 Additional Risks: 11 General Additional Risks ???? Special Additional Risks 2、Risks of I.C.C(协会货物条款) Basic Risks: I.C.C(A)、 I.C.C(B)、 I.C.C(C)、 协会战争险、协会罢工险 Additional Risks: 恶意损害险 Lesson 34 Covering Insurance for the Buyer [Aim] To understand the contents of marine insurance clauses and especially the various kinds of marine risks [Main Difficult Points] How to write letters about the risks they will cover. Content ■ Brief introduction ■ Language points ■ Useful sentences ■ Summary of the letter ■ Summary of business ■ Writing skills ■ Training in Class ■ Homework Brief Introduction When goods are sold on a CIF basis, the seller is under obligation to present a marine insurance policy or an insurance certificate at the time of negotiation. And the risks covered under the policy should be strictly in accordance with the terms of contract, or with those of the letter of credit, if the shipment is made under it. Language Points cover insurance (against)…( a risk) for…(an amount) on…(sth.) with… (an insurance company) cover /effect/arrange/ provide/ take out/ attend to insurance in compliance wit


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