高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning Section 1 Warming Up and Reading 新人教版选修8.ppt

高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning Section 1 Warming Up and Reading 新人教版选修8.ppt

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② Starting June 1st, all indoor public places and many outdoor p Beijing forbid smoking. 从 6 月 1 日起,北京市所有的室内公共场所和大部分户外公共 烟。 ③ My mother forbids me to watch TV at night. 我妈妈禁止我晚上看电视。 ④ The law forbids the use of chemical fertilizers. 法律禁止使用化学肥料。 ⑤ Children are forbidden to play computer games. 禁止孩子们玩电脑游戏。 单句语法填空。 (1)In my family mother has made a regulation that we are forbi (stay) out after midnight. 解析: 句意:在我家,妈妈规定我们半夜之后不准呆在外面 forbidden to do sth. 结构,意为 “ 被禁止做某事 ” 。 (2)Last night, their parents _________(forbid) them from going 解析: 句意:昨晚他们的父母禁止他们外出。此处考查 for forbade 考点二 短语诠释 Point pay off 得到好结果,取得成功 ( 常用主动语态 ) ; 清工资后)辞退 ① But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid breakthrough — the cloning of Dolly the sheep.( 教材 P 11 ) 但是,科学家的决心和耐心最终得到了回报,这就是 1996 年 果 —— 克隆羊 “ 多莉 ” 的诞生。 ② In stressful situation in which risk-taking can pay off big, men better. 在有压力情况下,冒险可能会取得很大成功,这时男士们往 ③ Jim couldnt pay off his debts because he was paid off by the co been working for for many years. 吉姆难以还清债务,因为他为之工作多年的公司付清他的工资 。 ④ At the end, the young man paid for what he did before. 最终,这个年轻人为他的所作所为付出了代价。。 pay for 为 …… 付款;为 …… 付出代价 pay back 还钱;报复 pay a visit to 拜访 pay attention to 注意 单句语法填空。 (1)Youll have to pay ______ your old loan before being allowe 解析: pay off 还清 。 (2)Youll have to pay _____your selfishness some day. 解析: pay for your selfishness 为你的自私付出代价。 off for (3)In our childhood, we were often reminded by our mother to pa our table manner. 解析: pay attention to 注意。 (4)They informed us of paying _____ the money we borrowed la 解析: pay back the money 还钱。 back Cloning Unit2 牵 手 课 堂 Scientists have used cloning technology to transform human sk embryonic stem cells, an experiment that may revive the controversy o Since the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996, researchers have clo different species, including rabbits, goats, cows and cats. Yet they so fa to create bio


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