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Aladdin and the magic lamp Long ago, a poor tailor lived in a small village. He lived with his wife and boy, Aladdin. Aladdin didnt like to work hard. He liked to play in the streets. He never learned to do useful things. This made his father very angry. 很久以前, 某个小村庄里, 有一位贫穷的裁缝师。 他和妻儿住在一起, 儿子叫做阿拉丁。 阿拉丁不喜欢努力干活, 反而喜欢在街上玩耍。 他从不学些正经的事, 这点让他父亲非常生 气。 The tailor worked very hard. One day, he felt very ill, and the next day, he died. Aladdin and his mother had almost no money. How would the family live? Aladdin had no job, so his mother was very upset with him. 裁缝师工作得很卖力。有一天, 他觉得身体很不舒服,隔天他就过世了。阿拉丁和他的 母亲没什么钱。这个家要怎么过下去呢?阿拉丁没有工作,因此他的母亲对他又气又担心。 One day, a strange man came to the village. He was a magician from the western desert. Aladdin was playing in the street. The magician saw the boy and walked up to him. Are you the son of Mustapha the tailor? he asked Aladdin. Yes, I am, replied Aladdin. He is dead now. 有一天, 一个陌生男子来到了村庄, 他是来自西边沙漠的一位魔术师。 阿拉丁那时正在 街上玩耍,魔术师看到了阿拉丁,便走上前去。 “你是裁缝师幕斯塔法的儿子吗? ”他问阿拉丁。 “是的,我就是, ”阿拉丁回答。 “但我父亲已经过世了。 ” The magician said that he was Aladdins uncle. He was returning to the village after many years away. Aladdin took the magician to his house. There, the magician gave some fruit and wine to Aladdins mother . It is true. Mustapha did have a brother , but I never knew him, Aladdins mother said. My husband has left us with nothing, and Aladdin has no job. I want to help your son, said the magician. I will build him a shop. He can sell fruit or shoes or clothing. Then you will have money. 魔术师说他是阿拉丁的叔叔, 他在离开村庄多年之后, 现在回来了。 阿拉丁把魔术师带 回家里。回到家时,魔术师送阿拉丁的妈妈一些水果和酒。 “这是真的,幕斯塔法真的有一个弟弟,但我从不认识他, ”阿拉丁的妈妈说道。 我丈“ 夫什么都没留给我们,阿


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