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学 海 无 涯 2020 年中考英语书面表达按预测一山东 张新峰Writing 1(地摊经济)2020 年可以经济不景气,连带着众多人员失业,工资却不见增长,大家为了生活拼命 的奔波,物价却一直在上升,为了带动经济发展,所以直接出明文可以释放地摊经济(stall economy)。请根下面所示,写一篇 100 词左右的短文,谈谈“地摊经济”的利与弊。 一、地摊经济有哪些好处呢? 1.更大的促进了灵活就业。 2.降低创业(entrepreneurship)成本(至少不会付高房租) 3.增加老百姓生活便捷,让老百姓生活更加丰富多彩。 空余时间可以用来增加收入。 消费者在衣食有了多种选择,有了更多的竞争,因为地摊成本相对实体店要低很多, 可能会变相地降低消费者地生活成本。 二、以前取消地摊经济主要原因是:为了创建卫生城市,地摊经济被严重打压。看似城 市整洁了,但是却影响到一部分人的生活。地摊活跃起来了,会不会出现大批商家占道经营, 影响到路人通行,还需要一段时间来验证。 【参考范文】The stall economy can get a job quickly. Reduce the cost of entrepreneurship, increase the convenience of peoples life, and make peoples life more colorful. Spare time can be used to increase income. Consumers have a variety of choices in food and clothing, with more competition, because the cost of land stall is much lower than that of physical stores.In the past, the main reason for canceling the stall economy was that in order to create a healthy city, the stall economy was severely suppressed. It seems that the city is clean, but it affects some peoples lives.When the stall becomes active, whether there will be a large number of businesses taking up the road and affecting the passage of passers-by. It will take a while to prove.Writing 2 (新冠病毒)一场突如其来的疫情,打乱了我们原本平静的生活。这是一场全世界、全人类的战役。 守在家里的我们,早已迫不及待地想出门走一走。但在这场战役的攻坚阶段,我们能做的就是时时刻刻注意防护,减少外出,戴好口罩,勤洗手等等。假如你是李华,请给远在澳大利亚的好友 Jenny 写一封 80-100 词的电子邮件,告诉她国 内新型冠状病毒肺炎的现状以及你是如何防护的?同时也请表达中国人民必胜的信念。What is the current situation of new coronavirus pneumonia in China?How do you protect yourself?Do you have the confidence to win?提示词语:wear a mask, go out less, wash hands frequently学 海 无 涯 【参考范文】Dear Jenny,A sudden outbreak of the disease has disrupted our peaceful life. This is a battle for the whole world, for all mankind.Now, thousands of people have been infected by this disease, including some doctors and nurses. Chinese government has took measures to fight against the disease. In Wuhan, two new hospitals were built to treat more patients. In order to protect myself, I seldom


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