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1 策马翻译培训 Euit EU interpretation training 欧盟口译训练 Copyright © 2010 CEMACHINA.COM, All Rights Reserved EU interpretation training | A zh-en 2 策马翻译培训 全球失序与失衡(上) GLOBAL MONETARY AND FINANCIAL DISORDER: THE ROLE OF THE GLOBAL IMBALANCES “The years since the early 1970s are “70 年代初之后的多年里,就大宗商 unprecedented in terms of the volatility 品、货币、房地产和股票价格的波动,金融 in the prices of commodities, currencies, 危机的频繁程度和严重性而言,是一段史无 real estate and stocks, and the frequency 前例的时期。”罗伯特•艾力伯 (Robert and severity of financial crises. ” Aliber) Robert Aliber.i “The current financial crisis in “回顾起来,目前美国的金融危机很可 the US is likely to be judged in 能被认为是第二次世界大战结束以来最痛苦 retrospect as the most wrenching since 的阶段。”艾伦 •格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan), the end of the second world war.” Alan 《金融时报》,2008 年3 月16 日 Greenspan, Financial Times, March 16th 2008. “Inflation is always and everywhere “无论何时何处,通货膨胀都是一种货 a monetary phenomenon. Milton Friedman.” 币政策现象。”米尔顿•弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman) Two storms are simultaneously 两场风暴在同时冲击着世界经济,一是 buffeting the world economy: an 通胀效应的大宗商品价格风暴,二是通缩效 inflationary commodity-price storm and a 应的金融风暴。如何解释美国发生的“信贷 deflationary financial one. What 紧缩”与世界各地不断飙升的大宗商品价格 explains this combination of a “credit 和通胀率这一组合?这些是互不相关的事 EU interpretation training | A zh-en 3 策马翻译培训 crunch” in the US with soaring commodity 件,抑或都是一个更大格局中的组成部分? prices and rising inflation across the globe? Are these unrelated events or part of a bigger picture? The answer, I am going to suggest, is 我认为,答案


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