5.10 工程师法压井简介.pdf

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《钻井与完井工程》 工程师法压井 Pressure variation during the kill operation Pump off: DPSIP pump on: DPSIP+PC1  As discussed previously, only Heavy mud DPSIP the drillpipe pressures is used CSIP for determining the required kill mud weight. Also required is the initial circulation pressure,Pc1, necessary to circulate the light mud at reduced pump speed. 2 Pressure variation during the kill operation  Pressure (initial circulation pressure) reads Pc1 plus DPSIP. However, the bottom hole pressure is still equal to DPSIP + H , since all the circulation s pressure, Pc1, is lost in overcoming friction inside the drillpipe and drill collars and across the bit.  How to determine Pc1?? PTi =Pd+Pci 3 Pressure variation during the kill operation  As the kill mud gradually fills the drillpipe, the Initial mud Heavy fluid DPSIP 0. At this point, the hydrostatic pressure of mud inside the drillpipe is equal to the formation pressure, P . f Ques. 1 When we stop the pump, what will happen on the standpipe pressure?? Ques. 2 at this time, Pm=FP, however, why the standpipe pressure do not drop to 0??? 181 Pressure variation during the kill operation  The press


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