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企业管理制度奇瑞 QQ611 汽车 前后悬架设计说明书 摘 要 本次设计的奇瑞 QQ611 汽车前后悬架均采用独立式悬架,前悬架采用麦弗 逊式独立悬架的形式,后悬架采用拖曳臂式独立悬架的形式。根据已经确定的悬 架结构形式,布置空间,以及轿车必要的参数进行分析,获得减振器的主要参数, 计算减振器主要零件尺寸,设计减振器结构,实现要求的功能。 在匹配分析中,减振器部分的设计计算主要从简化的力学模型入手分析悬架 与地面、车身间的位置和受力关系。通过减振器与车身的匹配关系来定位减振器 相关参数的计算方法,从而有针对性的计算出满足 QQ611 汽车悬架的固有频率、 阻尼系数及阻尼比。 在结构设计中,主要从减振器的功能入手,在一切已知数据的指导下,进行 科学的理论计算,确定主要部件的尺寸。针对 QQ611 汽车的用途及实际情况进 行结构改进,以适应使用要求。 在汽车悬架的平顺性分析中,运用 Matlab 绘制了车身加速度幅频特性曲线, 研究它们对减振器参数的影响。 本文所做工作可以为汽车的减振器匹配与结构设计提供一定理论依据,具有 一定的实际意义。 关键词:减振器;匹配分析;结构设计;平顺性 Abstract The design of QQ611 Chery automobile and adopt independent suspension, suspension using macpherson suspension in the form of independent suspension, rear suspension using drag arm independent suspension of form. According to the suspension structure has been determined, decorate a space, and cars were analyzed, the necessary parameters obtained shock absorber parameters, calculation of main parts size, design, realization of shock absorber structure required functions. In part, the shock absorber in matching the design and calculation of main from simplified mechanical model of suspension and ground, between the body and the relationship between stress position. Through the matching relation with body shock absorber to locate related parameters calculation method, which is calculated QQ611 satisfy the natural frequency of the automobile suspension, damping coefficient and the damping ratio. In structural design, mainly from the function of shock absorber, in all known data, under the guidance of the scientific theoretical calculation, determine the size of the main parts. QQ611 according to actual situation and the use of automobile structur


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