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河南城建学院水质工程学课程设计 Ⅰ 课 程 设 计 题 目: 水质工程学课程设计 学 院: 市政与环境工程学院 专 业: 给水排水工程 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 2014年6月 前言 给水处理厂由泵房、化学剂投加设备、水处理构筑物、储存成品水的清水池以及化验室等建筑物所组成。水处理构筑物是改善水质的主要设施。采用的处理过程和构造形式是由原水和供水水质以及当地工程状况和经济条件决定的。以去除悬浮杂质为主的水厂,一般采用混凝、沉淀、过滤和消毒的处理工艺。原水进入水厂后投加混凝剂并迅速混和,接着缓慢搅动水流,使混凝剂产生的反应物和悬浮杂质结成容易沉降的絮状颗粒,在沉淀池中和水流分离。水流再经过滤,即清澈可用。混凝沉淀和过滤虽能消除一部分微生物,但远不能达到生活饮用水的细菌标准。在城市水厂和供生活用水的给水站,水流进入清水池时,还须投加消毒剂,进行消毒。沉淀和过滤中分离出来的污泥要妥善处理和处置以免污染环境。 当原水浊度较低时(如湖水),水厂流程可以从简,原水投加混凝剂后可直接过滤,省去絮凝和沉淀。如原水浊度较高或含沙较多时,则需增加预处理,去除易沉颗粒。当原水水质特殊,典型的处理流程(见图)不能使成品水质量达到要求时,还需针对水质选用其他处理过程,如曝气、除铁、除锰、预氯化(除色、臭)、气浮(除藻)、软化(见水的软化)、活性炭吸附(去除有机物)以及咸水淡化和水质稳定处理(控制水垢及腐蚀见沉积物控制、腐蚀控制)。 Ⅱ Forword From the pumping station to the water treatment plant, chemical dosing equipment, water treatment structures, finished water storage tank and clean laboratories and other buildings formed. Water main structure is to improve water quality facilities. Treatment process and the structure is used in the form of raw water and the quality of water as well as local conditions and economic conditions engineering decisions. To remove suspended impurities consisting mainly of water, usually by coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection treatment process. After the raw water entering the water and the rapid mixing of coagulant, followed by slow stirring the water, so that the coagulant and the resulting reaction was suspended impurities settling floc particles are easily formed, and the water separated in the sedimentation tank. Water and then filtered, the clear available. Although coagulation sedimentation and filtration can eliminate part of the micro-organisms, but far short of the standard of living bacteria in drinking water. When the city water works and water supply for domestic water station, water flow into the clean water tank, dosing must disinfe


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