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知识点 —— 过去分词作 宾补 过去分词作宾补 【知识点解析】 一、在 make, get, have, keep 等表示“致使”意义的动词中: 1 、“ have + 宾语 + -ed 分词”有三种情况: ( 1 ) We had the engine repaired. 我们已经把发动机修理了。 (表示完成一件事情,不一定自己亲自动手做,也许是请别人 做)。 ( 2 ) He had his leg broken when he was climbing the tree. 当他爬 树的时候把腿伤了。 (表示“遭受”,并非有意去做)。 ( 3 ) He had his wallet stolen. 他的钱包被偷。 (表示“遭受经济损失”,不由自主,自己是受害者。) 过去分词作宾补 【知识点解析】 2 、“ make + 宾语 +-ed 分词” The news made me disappointed. 这个消息使我失望。 What made them so frightened? 是什么使他们如此害怕? She managed to make herself understood in English. 她讲英语设法让别人明白她的意思。 过去分词作宾补 【知识点解析】 They are determined to make their voice heard. 他们决心让别人听见他们的声音。 Youve made her embarrassed with your question. 你的问题使她很尴尬。 Lets make it known to all that there must be less empty talk and more hard work. 我们要让大家知道:少空谈,多勤奋。 过去分词作宾补 【知识点解析】 This has made them interested in Marxism. 这已经使他们对马克思主义产生兴趣。 You should make your views known. 你应该让大家知道你的观点。 You must make yourself respected. 你必须树立自己的尊严。 过去分词作宾补 【知识点解析】 3 、“ get + 宾语 + -ed 分词” She got her tooth pulled out. 她把自己的一颗牙拔掉了。 Nowadays we got women trained as truck drivers. 现在我们培训女士当卡车司机。 The nurse hurriedly got the children dressed. 护士匆匆忙忙给孩子们穿上了衣服。 It was so cold that the driver couldnt get the car started. 天气太冷了,以至于司机无法将车子启动。 过去分词作宾补 【知识点解析】 4 、“ keep + 宾语 +-ed 分词” Please keep us informed of the latest development. 请随时将最新进展告知我们。 He kept his eyes shut and stayed where he was. 他闭上眼睛,呆在原来的地方。 And she keeps the food locked up. 她将食品锁了起来。 He kept us supplied with food and drinks. 他一直为我们提供食品和饮料。 过去分词作宾补 【知识点解析】 二、宾语补足语在感官动词中的情况。在 see, hear, feel, find, think 等表示感觉和心理状态的动词中: I saw the students assembled in the hall. 我看见学生们在大厅里集合了。 He felt his eyes dazzled by the bright light. 他感到自己的眼睛受到了强光的刺激。 Everybody thought the battle lost. 大家都以为这场战斗熟了。 We found her greatly changed. 我们发现她变化很大。 过去分词作宾补 【知识点解析】 三、“ leave + 宾语 + ed 分词” Its better to leave so


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