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■ 习惯用复数形式的名词 arms武器 contents目录 clothes shoes trousers noodles have sports体育运动 compasses圆规 glasses眼镜 belongings所有物 earnings收入 savings储蓄 surroundings环境 shortcomings缺点 under no circumstances在任何情况下都不 thanks感谢 riches财富 remains遗物 drinks饮料 forces军队 looks外表 customs海关 table manners礼仪 in high/low spirits情绪 goods货物 papers报纸,文件 sands沙滩,沙地 waters大片的水域 times时代 take turns轮流 take measures措施 take steps步骤 take pains辛苦 fireworks烟火 regards致意 respects 敬意,问候 damages赔偿金 sales销售总额 hurt one’s feelings感情 as follows如下 take notes笔记 in rags衣衫褴褛 living expenses生活费用 living conditions生活条件 congratulations祝贺 ■ 以”s”结尾的单复数同形的名词 Crossroads十字路口 species物种 series系列 means方式 works工厂 headquarters 总部 ■ 必须知道的一些不可数名词 advice air baggage/luggage clothing 衣物的总称 damage 损坏 dust equipment fun furniture harm luck news information paper纸 (表示报纸时为可数名词) soap sugar trouble weather wealth traffic progress knowledge (have a knowledge of 为固定搭配) ice bread money ■ Do you know the following idioms? A bird’s-eye view 鸟瞰 A wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼,口蜜腹剑的人 At a snail’s pace 爬行地,缓慢地 At one’s wits’ end 智穷计尽,不知所措 Have sth at one’s finger’s tips/ ends 对某事了如指掌 In one’s mind’s eyes 在想象中 Keep sb at arm’s length 对某人保持距离 Make a cat’s paw of sb 利用某人 To one’s heart’s content 尽情地 To get one’s money’s worth 钱花得合算 Get sb out of harm’s way 使某人免受损害 At death’s door; jaws of death 死到临头 At sword’s points 剑拔弩张,处于紧张状态 By a hair’s breadth 只差一点,一发之差 Within a stone’s throw 在附近 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分 For the better 好转 For the worse 恶化 For better of for worse 不论好坏 So much the better 如此更好 All the better 更加好 None the less 仍然 None the better 并不见好,仍旧 None the worse 仍旧,还是 At the latest 最迟 At most 最多 At least 至少 Least of all 最不,尤其不 Not in the least 一点也不 At the longest (指日期)最晚,至多 To the best of one’s ability 尽某人最大的能力 To the best of my knowledge/ memory 据我所知 As a rule 通常 As for/to 至于,就...而言 As such像这样的人/物 As yet 迄今,到


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