java 抽象类 练习题.doc

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【问题描述】定义一个抽象基类Shape,它包含三个抽象方法center()、diameter()、getArea(),从Shape?类派生出Square?和Circle?类,这两个类都用center()计算对象的中心坐标,diameter()计算对象周长,getArea()方法计算对象的面积。编写应用程序使用Rectangle类和Circle?类。 【输入形式】输入圆的中心坐标、半径;输入正方形中心、边长 【输出形式】输出圆的中心坐标、圆周长、圆面积;输出正方形中心坐标、周长、面积 【样例输入】 【样例输出】please input the circle center:?4 4? ??????????????????? please input the circle radius:3 ????????????????? ??the circle center is (4, 4) ??????????????????? the circle diameter is 18.84 ??????????????????? the circle area is 28.26 ??????????????????? please input the?square center:5 5 ??????????????????? please input the square radius:2 ????????????????????the square center is (5,5) ??????????????????? the square diameter is 8 ????????????????????the square area is 4 【样例说明】样例输出中横线是输入。 【评分标准】一个测试样例 import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Scanner; public class Test72 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan=new Scanner(; int x,y,r; System.out.println(please input the circle center: ); x=scan.nextInt(); y=scan.nextInt(); System.out.println(please input the circle radius: ); r=scan.nextInt(); Circle circle = new Circle(r); double area = circle.getArea(); double diameter = circle.diameter(); System.out.println(the circle center is ( + x + , + y + )); System.out.println(the circle diameter is + new DecimalFormat(0.00).format(diameter)); System.out.println(the circle area is + new DecimalFormat(0.00).format(area)); System.out.println(please input the square center: ); x=scan.nextInt(); y=scan.nextInt(); System.out.println(please input the square side length: ); r=scan.nextInt(); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(r, r); area = rectangle.getArea(); diameter = rectangle.diameter(); System.out.println(the square center is ( + x + , + y + )); System.out.println(the square diameter is + new DecimalFormat(0).format(diameter)); System.out.println(the square area is + new DecimalFormat(0).format(area)); } } abstract class Shape{ p


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