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摘要 本篇报告选材源自韩寒小说《三重门》第六章,作者用幽默的语言表达了对 以应试教育为核心的教学机制以及与此有关的社会现象的批判和反思。 《三重门》中存在大量的中式幽默,分为普遍幽默,文化幽默和语言幽默三 大类。幽默翻译是翻译实践中的难点,在实际翻译过程中,中西方幽默文化存在 巨大差异,这就给译者在译文中如何保留原著中的独有的幽默风格带来了困难和 挑战。 关联翻译理论将翻译看成是两种语言之间进行的特殊形式的交际,遵循着交 际的一般规则,是一项双重明示——推理过程。译者的责任是努力做到使原文作 者的意图与译文读者的期盼相吻合,以达到最佳关联,即让读者以最少的处理努 力产生足够的语境效果,顺利完成交际行为,该理论给幽默语言的汉英翻译提供 了一条可行之路。本文在关联理论的指导下,最后提出了异化为主归化为辅的翻 译策略,直译,意译,直译加注释等三种翻译方法,力求使译文读者获得与源语 读者获得相同和相似的语境效果。 本文在关联理论视角下对中文幽默翻译进行了比较深入的研究,虽有其不 足,但本文为中文幽默翻译提供了借鉴和参考。 关键词:三重门;关联理论;幽默翻译;最佳关联 1 Abstract The selection of this report is based on the sixth chapter of Han Hans novel Triple Doors. The author uses humorous language to express the criticism and reflection on the teaching mechanism with the test-oriented education as the core and the social phenomena related to it. There is a large amount of Chinese humor in triple doors, which can be divided into three categories: general humor, cultural humor and linguistic humor. Humor translation is a difficult point in translation practice. In the actual translation process, there are huge differences between Chinese and western humor cultures, which brings difficulties and challenges for translators to retain the unique humor style of the original in the translation. Relevance translation theory regards translation as a special form of communication between two languages and follows the general rules of communication. The responsibility of the translator is to make efforts to make the intention of the author of the original text conform to the expectations of the target audience, so as to achieve the best relevance, that is, to make the reader with the least


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