新目标人教版八年级英语上册《Unit 9 Section A Grammar Focus-3c》精品课件.pptx

新目标人教版八年级英语上册《Unit 9 Section A Grammar Focus-3c》精品课件.pptx

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;To learn to use “Can you/he/they…?” to make invitations. To use the following structure to talk about obligations: I might have to/must… To learn how to communicate with others politely.;Hey, Anna, can you come to my birthday party on Saturday? …;Can you play chess with me tomorrow afternoon?;Can Lily take a walk with us?;Can you come to my party on Saturday?;Make two conversations using “Can....?”;情态动词主要有:may/might, can/could, must, have to, shall/should, will/would, ought to, need, dare, used to ;情态动词 can 的基本用法 情态动词 can 有一定的词义,但不能独立存在,它必须与动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词 can 没有人称和数的变化。其具体用法如下: 表示“能、会”指脑力或体力方面的“能力”。如: ? I can speak Japanese. 我会讲日语。 ? Frank can swim but I can’t. 佛兰克会游泳, 但我不会。;;can为情态动词, 在本单元中表示请求,用于发出邀请,后跟 动词原形。当同意接受对方的邀请时,常用Sure, I’d love to. / Certainly. /Of course.等来回答;若不接受,常用Sorry 等来有礼貌地拒绝,一般情况下需要说明不能接受邀请的原 因以表示歉意。 ? —Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow? 明天你来参加我的生日聚会,好吗? —Sorry, I can’t. I am going to visit my grandpa. 很抱歉,我来不了,我要去看我爷爷。;;/I’m sorry. I’d rather you didn’t. ② — Can I go out and play, Mum? —Yes/Certainly, you can. /No, you can’t. ③ — Can you help me with this bag? —With pleasure./Sorry, I can’t. (3) 都可表示“可能性” Mr. Reed looks pale. He may be ill. Mr. Read is in poor health. He can be ill at any time. This news may be true. (=might/could) Wang Wei can be really stubborn.;Mr. Reed looks pale. He may be ill. Mr. Read is in poor health. He can be ill at any time. This news may be true. (=might/could) Wang Wei can be really stubborn. ;have to 的用法 1. have (has) to + 动词原形 ?have (has) to 后面要用动词原形。当主语为第三人称单数时用 has to,当句子是过去时用 had to。 ? We have to go home now. 我们不得不现在就回家。 ? He has to work on Sunday. 他不得不在周日工作。 ? I had to do much housework last Sunday.? 上周日我不得不做很多作业。;2. have to 的否定句句型: 主语 +don’t/didn’t/doesn’t won’t +have to + 动词原形 ? You don’t have to walk so fast. 你不必走那么快。 ? He will not have to buy a new coat next year. 明年他没必要买新外衣了。 3. have to 的疑问句句型: Do/Does/Did/Will + 主语 + h


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