新目标人教版八年级英语上册《Unit 9 Section A 1a-1c》精品课件.pptx

新目标人教版八年级英语上册《Unit 9 Section A 1a-1c》精品课件.pptx

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Section A 1a-1cObjectivesTo learn to use the following structures about invitations. —Can you come to my party on…? —Sure, I’d love to./ Sorry, I can’t. I have to/must…To learn to use the modal verb can for invitations and have to for giving reasons.Language Goalsmake invitationsdecline invitationsaccept invitationstalk about obligations Free talk What did you do last weekend? I helped my parents with housework. What did you do lastweekend? prepare for an exammeet my friendsgo to the doctorhave the flu buy some giftsgo to a birthday partyCan you come to my party?— Sure, I’d love to. — I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to…Match the phrases with the pictures.1aListen and write the names (Tim, Kay, Anna and Wilson) next to the correct students inthe picture.1bTim Anna Kay Wilson Listen again and fill in the blanks. Sun Ning is going to hold a party on Saturday afternoon.She invites some of her friends to come. But Ted cant come because he has to_______________.Tim cant come because he has to__________________.Wilson cant come because he must_________________.Anna cant come because she might have to _______________.Kay cant ,either. Because he ______________. What a small party!help his parentsprepare for an examgo to the doctormeet her friendshas the fluYou are the students in the picture. Student A, invite three students to your party. Student B, C and D, give answers. 1cA: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?B: Sure, I’d love to.C: Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam.D: I’m sorry, too. I must go to the doctor. Work in pairsCan you…Can you come to my party?Can you come to my party?Sure, I’d love to.Can you come to my party?Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.Can you come to my party?Sure,I’d love to.Can you…Can you come to my party?Sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the doctor.A:Can you come to my party?B:I’m sorry. I have to help my mom.A:Can you go to the mall?B:I’m sorry. I’m going to the movies. A: Can you come to my party?A: Can you play tenni


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