新目标人教版九年级英语上册《Unit 3 Section A 1a-1c》精品课件.ppt

新目标人教版九年级英语上册《Unit 3 Section A 1a-1c》精品课件.ppt

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Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street. 当然,就沿着主街向前走,一直到你经过中心大街。 (1)go along 表示“沿着……向前走”多指沿着街 道、河边或堤坝等向前走,指路常用语。 go down也表示“沿着……向前走”,但其多 指向低处走,或向郊区走。 ? Go along this street, and you will find the park in the end. 沿着这条街向前走,在路的尽头你会找到那个公园。 Turn left/right at… 在……往左/往右转。 ?Turn right at the third crossing, and then walk straight. 在第三个十字路口往右转,然后朝前直走。 Take the first/second…turning on the right/left. 在第一/二……个拐弯处往右、左拐。 ?Take the second turning on the right. 在第二个拐弯处往右拐。 拓 展 常见的指路表达方式 It’s across from/near/next to … 它就在……对面/附近/旁边。 ?It’s across from/near/next to the hospital. 他就在医院对面/附近/旁边。 You can take the NO. …bus and get off at… 你可以乘……路公共汽车在……下车。 ?You can take the NO.3 bus and get off at the National Park Stop. 你可以乘3路公共汽车在国家公园站下车。 (2) until 此处用作连词,意为“直到……时为止”。 A. 用于肯定句。 ?Please wait here until I come. 请在这里等到我来。 ?He ran until he was breathless. 他一直跑到气喘吁吁才停下。 注意:作连词的until用于肯定句中,表示主句的动作一直持续到从句动作发生或状态出现时为止,一般可译为“直到……为止”。在这种用法中,主句的谓语动词必须是延续性动 词(非瞬间性动词),如 live, wait, last, love, like, stay, work, continue 等。 B. 用于否定句中,构成“not…until”结构,意为“直到……才”。 ?I hadn’t realized she was foreign until she spoke. 她不说话我还一直不知道她是个外国人。 ?I won’t stop shouting until you let me go. 你不放我走,我就一直喊叫。 注意:作连词的until用于否定句中,从句动作先发生,主句动作再发生。 C. until 用作介词,意为“直到某一时刻;直到发生某事”。 ?It may last until Friday. 这可能要延续到星期五。 ?He will be working until 5 o’clock. 他将一直工作到五点钟。 ?He didn’t go to bed until 11:30. 他直到11:30才去睡觉。 Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me the way to…? Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how I can get to…? Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how to get to…? Ask the way Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me where…is/are? Excuse me. Do you know where/how…? Excuse me. Which is the way to…, please? Excuse me. Where is …, please? Excuse me. Is there a/an…near here? Ask the way 1. — Can you tell me ____? — She is in the computer lab. A. where Linda was B. where is Linda C. where was


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