新目标人教版九年级英语上册《Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self Check》精品课件.pptx

新目标人教版九年级英语上册《Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self Check》精品课件.pptx

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;Objectives; historical places receive more than 750,000 visitors point out in a certain way on midsummer’s morning shine into prevent illness a burial place; celebrate a victory honor ancestors over a long period of time a group of volunteers keep sb. healthy for a special purpose;;Look at the things in the backpack below. Make guesses about the owner of the backpack. Then talk about your ideas with your partner.;Sample conversation 1: A: Here are some earrings. The owner can’t be a boy. B: Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.;Sample conversation 2: A: Here is a Chinese-English dictionary. It could belong to Mary. I know she has one. B: I don’t think so. It can’t be Mary’s. This one is new, but hers is old.;Sample conversation 3: A: Here is a flower. The owner must be a girl. B: Well, it could be a boy. The flower might be a present for his teacher.;;Sample writing: No More Mystery in the Neighborhood Last week, in a quiet neighborhood, something strange happened. Residents heard noises in the night but no one knew why. Victor Smith thought that it was teenagers having fun while Mrs. Smith and neighbor, Helen Jones, blamed it on animals. We now know what was happening in the neighborhood. A ranger’s station is being built in the nearby forest. ;Trees had to be cut down to make space for the station. This affected some animals living in the forest. A raccoon family lost their home and had problems finding food. The raccoons discovered food in the neighborhood’s garbage bins, so they came back every night. Now the mystery is solved. People in the neighborhood feel sorry for the raccoons and they are trying to help them.;Self Check;3. That sweater _________ be Carla’s. she’s the only one who wear such colorful clothes. 4. Tony _________ want to go to the concert. He likes music, but I’m not sure if he likes rock music. 5. The person you saw at the supermarket ______ be Susan. I just talked


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