选修8第五单元 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors.ppt

选修8第五单元 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors.ppt

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美句输入? 1.He returned home to learn his daughter had just been engaged. 他回家后得知女儿刚刚订婚了。 2.I tore the box,only to discover that some of the parts were missing. 我撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。 3.They reached the company out of breath,only to learn that they were fired. 他们上气不接下气地赶到公司,结果得知他们被解雇了。 佳句输出? 1.We got to the station,_______________________________________. 我们到达车站,结果却被告知火车已离开了。 2.He went to swim in the river nearby,________________________. 他去附近的河里游泳,结果再也没有回来。 3.She returned ____________________________________. 她回到家,才发现家里没有一个人。 6.__________ the economic growth加快经济增长 7.______ evidence充分的证据 8._________ man原始人 9.a regular _____ 有规律的搏动 10.have two ____________ 有两个选择 阅读词汇 请匹配下列单词与其词义 第一组                         1.excavate    A.n.被子;棉被 2.beast B.vt.挖掘;发掘 3.quilt C.n.野兽 4.hammer D.n.滑板 5.skateboard E.n.铁锤;锤子 第二组 6.yogurt F.n.技艺;手艺;精工细作 7.craftsmanship G.n.眉毛 8.wrinkle H.n.标点符号 9.punctuation I.n.酸奶;酸乳酪 10.eyebrow J.n.皱纹 答案:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.D 6.I 7.F 8.J 9.H 10.G 拓展词汇 请填入括号内单词的正确形式 1.The boy needs a pencil _________ to _______ his pencil,because the _________ he has isnt _____.(sharpen) 2.I have been so busy that I have no time to clean the _____ so the house looks very ______.(mess) 3.While working out the problem,you should pay more attention to the ________.You must measure the length __________ in order to get the ________ number.(accurate) 4.For a very long time,people always have been trying to find out the ____________ (significant)of life. 5.The old man was _______ to death.People felt pity for his __________.(starve) 6.The candies were _______ out among all the kids,but they could not agree upon the ________ of them.(divide) 7.With the teachers help,I ________ the data of this experiment.The teacher considered my ________ reasonable.(analyse) 必会短语 请根据汉语提示完成下列词块 1._______ twenty people最多不过20人 2.__________ the old关心老人 3.___________ safety有安全意识 4._____________ age or income不分年龄或收入 5.______________ the city life厌倦城市生活 6._____________ her


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