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18-19th Century-Romanticism 浪漫主义 Emily Dickinson (1830-- 1886) The use of dashes of different length for punctuation 使用破折号分割意义 Extremely concentrated and usually very short. 语言凝练,深刻 Extraordinary originality 富有想象力和创造力 Favorite subjects: death, love, nature, 主题:死亡、爱、自然。 To die—takes just a little while To die—takes just a little while— They say it doesn’t hurt—It’s only fainter—by degrees— And then—it’s out of sight— A darker Ribbon—for a Day— A Grape upon the Hat— And then the pretty sunshine comes— And helps us to forget— The absent—mystic—creature— That but for love of us— Had gone to sleep—that soundest time— Without the weariness— Major British Poets-英国诗人 The Lake Poets -Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey / Lyrical Ballads. 湖畔派-华兹华斯,柯勒律治和骚塞/《抒情歌谣集》 William Blake / Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience. 布莱克 《天真之歌》、《经验之歌》 Robert Burns - Scottish ballads / Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect 彭斯《苏格兰抒情歌谣集》 George Gordon Byron – Byronic hero / Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Don Juan 拜伦《唐璜》 Percy Bysshe Shelley - Prometheus Unbound / Ode to the West Wind 雪莱《西风颂》 John Keats - sensuous, colorful and rich in imagery /Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Autumn 济慈《夜莺颂》 湖畔派 Lake poets The Lake Poets -Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey / Lyrical Ballads. 湖畔派-华兹华斯,柯勒律治和骚塞/《抒情歌谣集》 William Wordsworth (1770-1850) 莎士比亚、弥尔顿、丁尼生共称为英国诗史上最重要的四位诗人。 尊重人的天性,崇尚自然,语言质朴。 代表作:The Solitary Reaper《孤独的割麦女》, I wondered lonely like a cloud, 《我像一朵孤云一样飘荡》etc. The clouds that gather round the setting sun? Do take a sober coloring from an eye? That hath kept watch oer mans mortality;? Another race hath been, and other palms are won.? Thanks to the human heart by which we live,? Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,? To me the meanest flower that blows can give? Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. 对于注视过人间生死的眼睛, 落日周围的云也染上了 庄严的颜色,显得深沉。 又一场比赛过去了,又一些人得胜了。 感谢有人心使我们能够生存, 感谢它的温柔,喜悦和恐惧, 我看最低微的鲜花都有思想,


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