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毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目: 单一的交通流模式识别研究交叉口智能信号控制 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14 Study on Traffic Flow Patterns Ide ntificati on of Si ngle In tersectio n In tellige nt Signal Con trol 单一的交通流模式识别研究 交叉口智能信号控制 Abstract To improve the level of in tersect ion traffic man ageme nt, we research traffic flow patter ns of in tersecti ons. Based on Fuzzy C- Means clustering algorithm, this paper finished quality evaluating on cluster cen ter value and optimiz ing the clusteri ng process through comb ining with comprehe nsive evaluatio n method of fuzzy clusteri ng quality. Based on above contents we proposed a process to recog nize in tersect ion traffic flow patter n based on fuzzy c-mea ns clusteri ng. After an alyz ing example like in tersectio n of West Beiji ng Road and Xi Kang Road in Nanjing, we obta ined this intersection traffic flow can be divided into high peak, eve ning peak, flat peak in morning, after noon, and noon peak 5 modes from field data. Then we simulated and analyzed the delay to verify the effective ness and practicality of the method. 摘要 为了提高交叉口交通管理水平,我们研究了交叉口的交通流模式。基于模糊 C- 均值聚类算法,本文对聚类中心值进行了质量评价,并对聚类过程进行了优化 通过结合模糊聚类质量综合评价方法。基于上述内容,我们提出了一个 程序识别基于模糊C-均值聚类的交叉路口交通流模式。通过实例分析 西北京路与在南京的西康路,从现场数据我们得到了这个路口的交通流可以分 为高峰值,日晚高峰,上午的平峰,下午和中午峰 5种模式,然后,为了验证 该方法的有效性和实用性,我们模拟和分析了延迟。 0. Introduction In tersectio n con gesti on is a con crete embodime nt of traffic con gesti on in cities. It is resulted of un bala nee betwee n time, space allocati on and traffic dema nds. Through reas on able classify ing in tersect ion traffic flow can we allocate traffic right and improve traffic efficie ncy to relieve traffic con gesti on. Prese ntly, researches on traffic flow patter ns abroad mainly focus on simulati on and classificati on. For examples, in simulati on aspects, Jin used computer simulati on to study differe nt impacts on traffic flow by various in tersecti on 介绍 路口拥堵是城市交通拥堵的具体体现。在时间、空间分配和交通需求之间这是 不平衡的。通过合理的分类,路


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