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毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目: Java核心技术 卷H高级特性 文献、资料英文题目: Core Java? Volume II —dvaneed Features 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专 业: 计算机 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14 本科毕业论文 外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目: Core Java? Volume II —dvaneed Features 文献、资料来源:著作 文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2008.12.1 院 (部): 计算机科学与技术学院 专 业:网络工程 班 级:网络082 姓 名:刘治华 学 号: 2008111242 指导教师:许丽娜 翻译日期:2012.5.10 - - PAGE # - 外文文献: Core Java? Volume II A-vanced Features Whe n Java tech no logy first appeared on the see ne, the exciteme nt was not about a well-crafted program ming Ian guage but about the possibility of safely executi ng applets that are delivered over the In ternet (see Volume I, Chapter 10 for more in formatio n about applets). Obviously, deliveri ng executable applets is practical only whe n the recipie nts are sure that the code cant wreak havoc on their mach in es. For this reas on, security was and is a major concern of both the desig ners and the users of Java tech no logy. This means that un like other Ian guages and systems, where security was impleme nted as an afterthought or a react ion to break-i ns, security mecha ni sms are an in tegral part of Java tech no logy. Three mecha ni sms help en sure safety: ? Lan guage desig n features (bo unds check ing on arrays, no un checked type conv ersi ons, no poin ter arithmetic, and so on). ? An accessc on trol mecha nism that con trols what the code can do (such as file access, n etwork access, and so on). ? Code signing, whereby code authors can use standard cryptographic algorithms to authe nticate Java code. Then, the users of the code can determ ine exactly who created the code and whether the code has bee n altered after it was sig ned. Below, youll see the cryptographic algorithms supplied in the java.security package, which allow for code sig ning and user authe nticatio n. As we said earlier, applets were what started the craze over the Java platform .In practice, people discovered that although they could write ani mated applets


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