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模 板 素 材 一、综合写作常用词汇: 1、对材料的指称: ①听力: the speaker the lecturer the professor the listening material the lecture the talk ②阅读: the writer the author the reading material the writing the passage 2、表示要点间的关系的词和短语: ①质疑、驳斥关系的词或短语: refute = rebut + n 驳倒, 反驳 disprove + n 反驳, 证明...为误 deny + n 或 + that 否定,否认 challenge sth. 或者challenge sb on sth 置疑(…的正确性) question + n 置疑(…的正确性或合理性) cast doubt on / raise doubt over + n 怀疑 doubt + n 或 + that 怀疑 oppose + n 反对 object to = disagree with + n 反对,不赞成 be opposing to / sb be opposed to 反对 be against 反对 be contrary 相反 be opposite to 相反 contradict + n 同...矛盾/抵触 be contradictory to 同...矛盾/抵触 conflict vi 抵触,有分歧 A and B conflict 或者A conflict with B be conflicting to 抵触,有分歧 differ from + n 与.. 不同 ②支持、强化关系的词或短语: support + n 支持 back + n 支持 enhance + n 增强,强化 strengthen + n 加强 uphold + n 支持,维护 justify + n 为…辩护,证明…的是正当的 3、述材料容的词和短语:say according to the lecture (reading passage) adv. state + that 说; 述 remark + that 谈起,说 make the point that + 从句 take the position that + 从句 propose + to do / + that 提议,主 maintain + that 主,认为 argue + that 争辩到, 认为 indicate + that 表明,指出 suggest + that 提出,表明 mention + n 提及,说起 note + n 或 + that 指出,说到 claim + that 声称,断言 assert + that 断言, 声称(formal) affirm + that 断言;肯定 (formal) contend + that 声称,主 (formal) allege + that 宣称, 断言(formal) put forward + n 提出 point out + that 指出 conclude + that 断定 4、表示转折关系的词和短语: ①adv. in contrast / on the contrary / on the other hand/ however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless / in comparison ②conj. while / whereas / although /yet/but 5、表示转承的词和短语: ①first, first of all, the first reason / point ②second, furthermore, moreover, besides, what is more, in addition, another reason / point, additionally ③third, finally, in the end 6、其他有用的词汇: basis n. 根据 grounds n. 理由,原因 evidence n. 证据 proof n.


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