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第7单元 2013年山东大学网络学习新闻英语二,网上虽然有些答案但是不大一样,也没有听力原文,这里的最全 1.Passage one exercise: Direction: Listen to the passage and answer each question by giving the best choice. Christmas Traditions There are many ways to celebrate Christmas, and some British people like to go on holiday, go out for lunch to a restaurant, or spend the day with friends. But most peoples idea of a traditional Christmas involves spending a few days with their family - sometimes their extended family. The day is the most exciting for the children. They may have spent weeks or even months dreaming of the presents they want most. Since the beginning of December, they may have opened their advent calendars, finding a new festive picture, chocolate, or small gift, to count down each day until 25th December. On Christmas Eve, they hang up stockings, ready to be filled with presents by Santa Claus. Often a thank you gift of a mince pie and a glass of sherry will be left, as well as a carrot for those hungry reindeer. Christmas Day itself will be spent eating lots of goodies, opening presents from loved ones, which have been waiting under the Christmas tree, and for most adults, drinking plenty of booze. A Christmas lunch of roast turkey with all the trimmings is the main event, complete with crackers, and paper party hats. The meal will finish off with Christmas pudding, a steamed fruit pudding. For some, a church service, or the Queens speech on television will be part of the family custom. For most, the afternoon and evening will be spent playing board games, or p


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