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Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays Lesson 1 一、教学目标 知识目标: 词汇: holiday ,was ,were ,did 句型: What did you do during your holidays? 能力目标: 能正确听读 What did you do during your holidays? Did you have a good time? I watched TV on the eve of the Spring Festival. 情感态度: 能够运用所学知识表达生活中有意义的经历及情感状态。 二、教学重点: What did you do during your holidays?. 三、教学难点: 正确使用 was/were 四、教学方法: 情景教学法、直观教学法、活动教学法 五、学习方法: 合作学习法、听说训练法 六、教具准备: 教学挂图、录音机及磁带、计算机和自制教学课件。 七、教学过程 Step 1: Warming up 热身活动 Sing a song “Summer Holiday ”. (设计思路 : 通过歌曲的形式,自然进入新课话题 What did you do during your holidays? 使学生很快 融入到英语课的气氛中来,并且能够使学生在心情愉悦的状态下进行学习。 ) Step 2 :Presentation 新授 1 .学习新词 was 、were 、enjoy. 2 .学生观看教学课件,学习短语: in Beijing, T: What did you do during your holidays? Ss:I went to Sanya T:How did you get there? Ss: We went there by plane 3. Use the same way to teach the new words and sentences. T: What did you do during your holidays? Ss:I went to Sanya T:How did you get there? Ss: We went there by plane (设计思路 : 对于新知的导入和学习,采用电脑课件辅助的形式进行。这样可以将真实的画面展现在 学生面前,使他们能够做到在 情境中学“ ”,在 “情境中练 ”。) 4. Listen and answer the questions. T: What did you do during your holidays? T: How did you get there? T: Did you have a good time? 5. Look, listen and read. 6. Read or act the dialogue . 7. Read the diary and answer the questions. Step 3: Practice 1.让学生以小组为单位编排对话,达到操练词组和句型的目的。 (设计思路:通过创设一个与现实生活相似、与教材内容相似的情景,学生通过角色模拟、空间转换 模拟、行为仿照模拟,达到操练新知,巩固新知的目的。还能激发学生学习的积极性。 ) 2. Everyday English It rains cats and dogs.( 倾盆大雨 ) 作业布置: Listen to the tape twice at home. Write a diary abou


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