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第四课 Making the news 一、 考点、热点回顾 单词识记 1.______________ vt.告知;通知 11.journalist n. ______________ 2.______________ vt.获得;学到 12.photographer n. ______________ 3.______________ vt.评定;估价 13.admirable adj. _____________ 4.______________ vt.帮助;促进 14.profession n. ______________ 5.______________ vt.需要;查询 15.amateur n. ______________ 6.______________ adj.欣喜的;高兴的 16.update vt. ______________ 7.______________ vt.集中;聚集 17.deliberately adv. _____________ 8.______________ vt.指责;控告 18.department n. ______________ 9.______________ v.赞成;认可;批准 19.appointment n. ______________ 10._____________ vt.加工;过程 20.accurate adj. _____________ 词汇精讲 1、delighted adj. very pleased and happy,表示“感到欣喜的,感到快乐的” 。 We’re delighted you’re coming to work with us. (P26) 常用搭配: be delighted to do sth. 高兴做某事 be delighted at/ by 因而高兴 be delighted that 因而高兴 eg:The mother was delighted at the recovery of her baby. 那位母亲因为她的婴儿恢复了健康而非常高兴。 She was delighted to hear the twitter of the birds somewhere near her window. 她很高兴地听 着窗外鸟儿的鸣叫声。 We’re delighted that you’ll be here soon. 你不久就来这里了,我们真高兴。 【拓展】delight vt. 表示“使(某人)高兴,使(某人)欣喜” 。 n. 快乐,高兴,使人快乐的人或事。 delightful adj. very pleasant, 令人愉悦的 常用短语:take delight in (doing) sth. 喜爱,以为乐 to one’s delight 令人高兴的是 with/ in delight 高兴地 如:He delighted the audience with his humorous words. 他幽默的语言让观众们很高兴。 Jack is a delightful young man. 杰克是个讨人喜欢的年轻人。 Carl takes great delight in teasing his classmates. 卡尔以取笑他的同学为乐。 She won the game easily, to the delight of all her fans. 使她所有粉丝高兴的是,她很容易地赢得了比赛。 Hearing class


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