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Lesson 9 Flying cats ;People: good, kind, kindhearted , soft , warm , beautiful, peaceful, excellent, affectionate, friendly , lovely , smart, clever, wise, inspiring, bright, active , positive, thoughtful, loyal , responsible , cooperative, able , generous , enthusiasm , determined , brave , strong bad, selfish, cruel , cold-blooded, negative, sentimental, emotional;Qualities of some animals ;Ox(牛) hardworking , patient , strong , slow , responsible Horse : popular , friendly , comfortable , hardworking , skillful , patient , peaceful , romantic Rooster/cock : hardworking , talented , powerful , open , elegant Dog: loyal , cheerful , ambitious , generous , effective , hardworking , intelligent Sheep nice , pleasant , mild , warmhearted , kind , weak , patient ;as sly as a fox (像狐狸一样狡猾) as silly as a goose (像鹅一样愚蠢) as fast as a hare (像野兔一样快) as gentle as a lamb (像小羊一样温和) as graceful as a swan (像天鹅一样优美) ; ;fascinate??v.迷住,吸引住 affectionate adj.充满深情的,柔情的 mysterious adj.神秘的,难以处理的 submissive adj.服从的,顺从的 feline adj.猫的;fascinate[f?sineit] v. 使入迷 attract or interest (sb) greatly ?;affectionate [?f?k??nit] a. 充满深情的 having or displaying warmth or affection ;mysterious [misti?ri?s] a. 神秘的;e.g. Dogs and horses are ~, but cats are never ~ to us. 同根词 submit (v.服从 顺从;提交) submission (n.顺从,服从;提交) submissively (ad. 顺从地,服从地) 近义词: obedient 常用搭配: submit to sb/sth 服从,顺从某人/某事物 submit oneself to sb. / sth. 屈服于 be submissive to sb/sth ;feline [fi?la?n] a. n. 像猫的;猫科动物 ;independence [,indipend?ns]n. 独立 ;high-rise [hairaiz]a.高层的;windowsill[w?nd??s?l]n.窗台 paratrooper [p?r?,tru?p?] n.伞兵 ;air-resistance [e?r-r?z?st?ns] n. 空气阻力;air-resistance the effects of air resistance the influence of air resistance airport,airsickness air-conditioner impact;Detailed Study of the text;Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own


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