新概念二Lesson61 精品课件说课讲解.pptVIP

新概念二Lesson61 精品课件说课讲解.ppt

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Hubble;The Solar System ;太空旅行:飞往冥王星;;Are we alone(孤单的) in the universe ?;Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble;What can we see in space ?;Where is the Hubble ?;Guess: How much does it cost?;Who launched the Hubble telescope into space?;What will we do if the Hubble telescope is broken ?;Who can repair it ?;How can the astronauts get to the Hubble ?;What is this?; Hubble n 哈勃 telescope n 望远镜 launch v 发射 space n 空间(指宇宙空间) billion n. 10亿 faulty adj 有错误的 astronaut n 宇航员; shuttle n 航天飞机 Endeavour n “奋进”号 Robot-arm n 机器手 grab v 抓 atmosphere n 大气层,氛围 distant adj 遥远的 galaxy n 星系 universe n 宇宙 eagle eye n 鹰眼;Key words & expressions;Key words & expressions;Key words & expressions;Key words & expressions;Key words & expressions;Key words & expressions;Key words & expressions; Hubble n 哈勃 telescope n 望远镜 launch v 发射 space n 空间(指宇宙空间) billion n. 10亿 faulty adj 有错误的 astronaut n 宇航员; shuttle n 航天飞机 Endeavour n “奋进”号 Robot-arm n 机器手 grab v 抓 atmosphere n 大气层,氛围 distant adj 遥远的 galaxy n 星系 universe n 宇宙 eagle eye n 鹰眼;What’s the trouble with the Hubble?;Questions on the text.;Put the following sentences into correct order;Special Difficulties 难点;Key structures ;Exercises;命名(be named after) 爱德温·哈勃 Edwin Powell Hubble 外太空探索outer space exploration The Bible: God is the creator of universe. The Bigbang Theory ;He saved his daughter from the fire but at the cost of his own life. 我的汽车(发动机)有问题。(trouble) 明天记得把灯修好(put…right) 抓住(这个机会) 这是我所看过的书中最长的一部。 By the end of last year, he had written about 5 books. By this time tomorrow, you will have received your parcel. ;From now on, I will expect nothing, and just take what I get. THANK YOU !


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