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Lesson 53 Hot snake ;A True Story;A bear went out of the zoo to search his child. Surrounded by so many people , he climbed the electrical pole out of panic(惊慌).;When he reached the top of the pole, he didn’t know whtat to do.;He decided to get down, but unfortunately, he was killed for touching the wire.;Finally, he fallen from the pole and passed away.;What will happen when a snake meet an eagle which is right around a pole and electical wire ?;What will happen when a snake meet an eagle, right around the wire ?;;;best seller 畅销的东西 hot potato 棘手的问题 hot news 最热点的新闻 2.★fireman n. 消防队员 hydrant n. [?ha?dr?nt]消防栓, 消防龙头 fire extinguisher [?k?st??gw???] 灭火器 (extinguisher n. 熄灭者, 灭火器) extinguish=put out 灭火;;② n. 原因,强调事情发生的直接原因(一个) because 因为 reason 理由,其他各种的理由(很多个) ★examine v. 检查 examine the soil check v. 核实, 核对 ;;★solve v. 解决 solve the mystery solve the problem ★snatch v. 抓住 catch v. 抓,如抓鱼 hold v. 握着 snatch v. (突然抓起来)强调动作的突然性 seize v. 抓住(用力) seize my arm ;★ wire n. 金属线,电线 他用一根金属线把筐绑到了自行车上。 He tied a basket to the bicycle with a piece of wire. telephone wires 电话线 Electric wires 电线 wireless adj. 无线的 wireless telegraphy 无线电报 ★volt n. 伏特 voltage n. 电压,伏特数 ;★ power 1)电力,动力 electric power 电力 water power 水力 2)力,能力 (自然的体力、智力) His power is failing. 他的体力在衰退。 3)权力,支配力,势力 political power 政治权力 not within one’s power= beyond one’s power 力所不能及 我无法理解计算机是如何工作的。 It is beyond my power to understand how the computer works. ;;3、Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. since then 从那时起,到现在为止 find out (经过研究、努力等)找出,发现,查出……(这里find out的宾语是个从句) I’ll try and find out the name of the person who saved my life yesterday. ;4、Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. broken glass 被打碎的玻璃片 cigarette ends 烟头 5、They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. be able to 能够 ;be not able to 没有能够 be sure that


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