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The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. 他一开门,就看见了他的女儿。 The moment he opened the door, he saw his daughter. get a big surprise = be greatly surprised 大吃一惊 = the time as soon as As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair. 引导时间状语: after, as,as soon as, the moment / time,when,while Does what Madam Bellinsky said come true? Yes, she does. 1.? Madam Bellinsky could only tell the writers future when ______. A. he asked her B. he paid her C. she looked into the crystal ball D. he showed her his palm 2.? Madam Bellinsky ______.? A. foretold the future correctly B. told him a lot of nonsense C. was a bad fortune-teller D.was a liar future adj. 未来的 No one knows what will happen in the future. So, be careful in future. in future 今后;从今以后 in the future 在将来 = for the future have a great future 前途远大 have no future 没有前途 fair It is not fair to kick another player in football. English people usually have fair skin. n. 集市 temple fair 庙会 adj. ① 公平的,合理的 ② 白皙的,浅 色的 a book fair 书展 international fair 国际博览会 unfair Scarborough Fair At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. 那个叫杰夫的男孩是我儿子。 The boy called(=named) Jeff is my son. 我收到了他送的生日礼物。 I received tha birthday present sent by him. 分词作后置定语 crystal crystal wedding 晶婚(15周年) (as) clear as crystal 像水晶一样明澈 水晶 adj. 水晶(制)的 1周年--纸婚 5周年--木婚 10周年--铝婚 / 锡婚 15周年--水晶婚 20周年--瓷婚 25周年--银婚 30周年--珍珠婚 35周年--珊瑚婚 40周年一红宝石婚 45周年一蓝宝石婚 50周年一金婚 60周年一钻石婚 70周年—白金婚。 After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: … = I had given her some money before she looked into a crystal ball and said: … 她在他们到达后走了。 She left after thay arrived. 在他走后,我找到了他的笔。 I found his pen after he left. after 引导的时间状语从句 ?look for / look after?/?look like look up???/ lo


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