七年级英语下册 重点句子 顺口溜 汇总(含全册重点句).ppt

七年级英语下册 重点句子 顺口溜 汇总(含全册重点句).ppt

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你能帮助我吗? Can you help me? 家长和学校要求严格。 Parents and schools are strict. 国旗上有一头白色大象。 The flag had a white elephant on it. 这帮助它们得以生存。 This helps them to live. Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best. 人教最新版英语口语速记顺口溜(七下19) 引导同学们归纳简短口语, 学编整合记忆顺口溜。 不要向我要。 Don’t ask me for it. 去你的老师那儿领吧。 Go and ask your teacher for it. 那个动物很大吗? Is the animal big? 对,很大的。 Yes, it is. 是,正是。 Yes, it is. 他在小林家。 He is at Xiao Lin’s. 哦,他不在家。 Oh, he’s not in. 我可以给他捎个话吗? Can I take a message for him? 你好,打扰一下。 Hi, excuse me. 现在你们国家天气炎热,对吗? It’s hot in your country now, isn’t it? 那位是你朋友吗?是。 Is that your friend? Yes, it is. 哦,但是我不认识他。 Oh, but I don’t know him. 上电视来寻他。 Put it on television to find him. 另一位妇女说他很瘦长。 Another woman says he is thin. 过生日的人必须许个愿。 The birthday person must make a wish. 我参加了学校郊游。 I went on a school trip. 你学校郊游的怎么样? How was your school trip? 我想很不错。 It was good, I think. 你不能这样做! You can’t do it like this! 我们都喜欢和他在一起。 We all enjoy being with him. 他中等体型。 He is of medium build. 他们中等身材。 They’re of medium build. 冰箱里没有牛奶。 There is no milk in the fridge. Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best. 人教最新版英语口语速记顺口溜(七下20) 引导同学们归纳简短口语, 学编整合记忆顺口溜。 你好,我是珍妮。 Hello! This is Jenny. 今天是礼拜天。 Today is Sunday. 别担心! Don’t worry! 我们起得早。 We get up early. 我们想看电影。 We want to see a movie. 他爱看动作电影。 He likes seeing action movies. 准备好了吗? Are you ready? 困了吗? Are you sleepy? 会说英语吗? Do you speak English? 我会说一点。 I can speak only a little. 参加你的聚会。 Go to your party. 参加我的生日聚会。 Come my birthday party. 我在学英语。 I’m learning English. 我们有学习机会。 We have chances to study. 去邮局。 Go to the post office. 我不喜欢很早起床。 I don’t like to get up early. 体育英语小助手。 Help with Sports in English. 因此,我通常急急忙忙吃上一点。 So I usually eat a little quickly. 我最喜欢的学科是英语。 My favorite subject is English. 她通常六点半起床。 She usually gets up at six thirty. 我通常六点四十洗浴。 I usually take a shower at six forty. 我通常在十点二十左右锻炼。 I usually exercise at about ten twenty. 我们旅进馆住。 We l


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