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Book7 unit5 --- Book8 unit1 陈小华;;figure v.计算;重要;认为 n.数;人物;图表;体形;Actually, he indicated that often people from different types get along better because of their differences. I immediately thought of Bethany, also Karens types, with whom I get along _45_. 45.A.painfully B.carefully C.splendidly D.patiently;71.To peoples surprise, the two traffic accidents happened on the same morning, __________________a heavy fog.(be) 令人们惊讶的是,这两起交通事故都发生在同一个早上, 当时有很大的雾。 72.The mother thought of her three sons, with ___________ __________________, tired but proud. (occupy) 这位母亲想到她忙于照顾的三个儿子,觉得累但却很骄傲。 73.The man said he still remebered the cinema, __________ _______________________a movie with his wife for the first time. (see) 这个人说他仍然记得那个电影院,在那里他第一次和他 妻子看电影。;74.I kept my fathers advice in mind ____________________ all that the teacher taught in class. (take) 我铭记着父亲的建议---要理解所有老师在课堂上所教授的 内容。 75.By the time I return home from London, some of my high school students____________________in their dream cities. (settle) 到我从伦敦回来的时候,一些我高中的学生将在他们梦想 中的城市安顿下来了。 76.Since he returned from the interview, he has been looking forward to ______________as a formal employee. (hire) 自从他应聘回来后,他一直期待着被聘为正式雇员。;77.In order to form my own opinion, I had to read lots of different texts and analyze ________________. (read) 为了形成我自己的观点,我不得不阅读大量不同的文章 并分析我所读过的。 78.Considering the large number of the applicants, _____ ________________ the visa to England remains to be seen. (apply). 鉴于这么多的申请者,谁能申请到去英国的签证仍然拭 目以待。 79.When he went past a cafe, __________________that he hadnt eaten anything for lunch. (occur) 当他经过一个咖啡馆的时候,他突然想到他午餐还什么 都没吃。;80.Believe it or not, I have heard about a youny man ____________________________more than 30.(add) 信不信由你,我曾听说过一个年轻人,他的证书总共有 30多本。;71.To peoples surprise, the two traffic accidents happened on the same morning, __________________a heavy fog.(be) 令人们惊讶的是,这两起交通事故都发生在同一个早上, 当时有很大的雾。;72.The mother thought of her three sons, with


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