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2016年天津市滨海新区六所重点学校联考高考英语模拟试卷   一、听力(共两节,满分15分) 1.(1分)What is the man going to do? A.Go to the cinema. B.Leave for some place. C.Stay in the hotel. 2.(1分)How much will the woman get if she can accept tips? A.6 dollars. B.34 dollars. C.40 dollars. 3.(1分)What can we learn from the conversation? A.The man didnt tell the truth. B.The woman has a complaint about the man. C.The man thinks it is not his fault. 4.(1分)Why does the woman feel tired? A.She went to bed very late last night. B.She got up very early this morning. C.She couldnt sleep well recently. 5.(1分)What do we know about the man? A.He has given up smoking. B.He is used to smoking more. C.He is smoking fewer than before. 6.(3分)听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8小题. 6.Which floor will the man stay on? A.The fourth floor. B.The third floor. C.The sixth floor. 7.What does the man request especially in his room? A.Hot water. B.TV set. C.Computer. 8.Who will show the man to his room? A.The manager. B.The woman. C.A boy. 9.(3分)听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11小题. 9.What does the woman know about the Empire State Building? A.It has 120 stories. B.It was built in 1930. C.It looks modern﹣fashioned. 10.What is not mentioned in the conversation? A.St.Patricks Cathedral. B.The Central Park. C.New York Stock Exchange. 11.What does the woman think of the buildings facing the park? A.They are the most expensive properties in the world. B.They stand for a landmark in the history of architecture. C.They are mostly private homes and trade centers. 12.(4分)听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15小题. 12.How many more people will Britain have from now to 2050 according to the talk? A.About 15 million. B.About 24 million. C.About 38 million. 13.Which is the right order about the future population according to the talk? A.France>Britain>Germany B.Germany>Britain>France C.Britain>Germany>France 14.Where do the predictions come from? A.A British body. B.A US body. C.A UN body. 15.What can be inferre


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