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成功是每个人的的梦想。我们渴望成功,但我们更痴迷于成功的艰辛! PAGE 哈尔滨市虹桥学校英语学科百花奖教学设计 第 PAGE 1页(共 NUMPAGES 1页) Teaching Design Title Lesson 2 of Unit 5 (Book 4) The Secret to Success Teaching aims Use reading skills to solve problems. Encourage students to be successful Important points Five tips to guess new words Difficult points Grasp the key words in the reading Blackboard Design 内容及步骤 Step One:Look at some pictures and show your feelings. Step Two: Listen to the tape and answer the questions 1.What is the Passage about? 2.What is the tone (语气) of Mr. Fisher’s speech? When meeting new words, what should we do? Some tips for guessing words Skill One : Guess new words with tips a. Defination(释义) b. Words with similar or oppositemeaning(同义词或反义词) c. Example(举例说明) d. General knowledge(常识) e. Word-formation(构词法) Practice Step Three:While— reading Read the passage loudly and answer the questions. Do the students like Mr. Fisher’s talk? Is Andrew Fisher a famous radio reporter? SKILL 2 :Grasp key words while reading a passage. 3. What does Mr. Fisher think of Wright Brothers and Christopher Columbus SKILL 3:Judge in writer’s opinion Step Four: Activity one Work in groups and think of the questions about the passage. Then ask other groups questions. Sum up all the skills that are learnt in the class. Step Five: Practice-reading comprehension Step Six: While— Reading Read the passage carefully for the third time. (1)What’s the type of this passage? (2)Six important points of the narration (记叙文) (3)Find out the meaning of every paragraph. Step Seven:Activity Two post-reading Write down your ideas to success on your card, then show your ideas to others. Step Seven: Homework. Collect some words and phrases about dream. Write down your goals and steps to success. Write a composition to tell how to succeed in one’s life.



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