新外研版八年级下册M4 U3.ppt

新外研版八年级下册M4 U3.ppt

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I love playing computer games with my friends. I also watch TV and eat fast food. I know it is not healthy and sometimes I get a stomachache. The problem is, I do not know how to stop and become fitter and healthier. I do not want to spend all my life sitting in a chair. What can I do? — John Have you tried this? Walking has helped you get fitter, so why not ask a friend to walk to school with you? b) How about asking a friend to go running with you? Have you practised to improve your football skills? Work in pairs. Do you have similar problems? Talk about your advice. c) Why not turn off the computer and TV and join a sports club? Go with your friends so that you will still spend time together. And how about choosing some healthy food to eat? Alan — b; Barbara — a ; John —c The man feels (1)______. He is hot and (2)___________ . He has been like this for about (3) __________. He has got a temperature and a (4)_________ but has not got a (5)____________ or a cough. The doctor suggests he should (6) ________________ and take the medicine (7)____________ a day. And he should (8) ___________ until he feels better. 7. Listen and complete the passage. awful very tired three days headache stomach ache drink more water three times stay in bed Man: Good morning, Doctor. Doctor: Hello. How can I help you? Man: I feel awful. I feel hot and Im very tired. Doctor: How long have you felt like this? Man: For about three days. Doctor: Ill take your temperature. Oh, your temperature is quite high. Ill just check your heart... all right, that sounds OK. Have you got a headache or a stomach ache? Tapescript 4 Unit 3 Language in use. To summarise and consolidate the use of the present perfect tense together with since and for To be able to understand learning materials on health To be able to carry out a survey on healthy living with the help of others Teaching aims I


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